Chapter 57: Observation Bot.

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Jordan's P.o.v.

Sometime during the night, I had fallen asleep.
And when I woke up, I nearly had a heart attack.

The goggles were in my room. Next to my bed. Next to me.
The purple lenses stared deeply into my eyes, as if calculating something.

My breath had stopped in my throat, a burning sensation made it's way to my chest. If there was one thing I was absolutely terrified of, it was the unknown.
I heard snoring beside me, Tom was here.
I didn't break eye contact as I began to yell for him.


The goggles immediately dissolved into the air, and I felt the bed jolt as Tom jumped up in shock and worry.
"WHAT?! WHAT IS?!" He gripped my hand tightly and looked into my eyes.

"The was just here...I don't-I don't understand...Tom it was here! Right next to me!" I pointed at the space where it had been. I sounded crazy, but I had been truly petrified at the thing.

Something was stalking me. But I didn't know what it was.

Fear tightened in my chest and I moved closer to Tom. I didn't feel safe anymore, even in my own home.
"Sparklez...I really hope you're just pranking me right now. There is literally nothing here. You woke me up, at eight in the morning, and there is nothing here. I'm going back to bed," he announced, and began to pull the thin blanket back over himself. I didn't want him to go back to sleep. What if the bot came again?

"No! Please don't, please stay awake with me. I know you don't believe me, but this thing is really scaring me. Please," I asked him. I don't want to be alone with that thing again.

His annoyed expression softened, he could see how scared I was right now.
"I don't know if you've lost your mind or your just messing with me, but fine. Come here, scaredy Sparklez," he laughed and held open his hands. I gladly went into them and scooted away from the spot where the bot had been.
A beeping sound emitted from Toms pocket and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Tom laughed at my behavior and pulled out his communicator.
"Steve says the wedding is tomorrow. They really are in a hurry aren't they?"
"Yeah, it's cute." My mind was still wandering about the bot.

I wonder if Ianite had seen it...

'She did not, but I did. Creepy little thing, isn't it?' Dianites voice interrupted my thoughts.

Then tell Tom that it's real!

'Id rather not, I'm not too fond of this new Mot. I'm sure your goddess will see the bot soon enough, then she will be able to explain. For now I am as good as useless to this situation. Goodbye now!' His voice faded.


'What was that glitter lap?' His voice intervened.
I gulped and my throat tightened.

Nothing, I answered.

'Thats what I thought.' He left again.

"Sparklez? Hello? Are you feeling okay?" Tom snapped his fingers in front of my face and I flinched out of my thoughts.

"Sorry...talking to myself."

"'re acting weird. Why don't we go outside? You look like you need sunlight..."

"That would be great. Let me tell guard Tom where we're going first so he doesn't freak out. Be right back," I stepped out of bed and went out the door to the staircase.

I reached Toms room in a few moments and opened his door. I peeked my head inside.
"Me and Tom are gonna go out for a bit, just gonna let you know. Woah! This place looks nice!"
Guard Toms room was totally opposite of mine. Every wall was lined with photos, the floor was covered in colorful rugs, and his bed didn't look like something you'd see in a barn. He had a huge desk pushed into the corners of the room, and a small toad sat on top of it. Shelves lined up on one side of the wall and on each shelf laid books of every kind.
Guard Tom sat the small chair behind his desk, an owl perched up on his shoulder. The owl was asleep, but Tom seems wide awake. He smiled at my comment.

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