Chapter 54: Labels and Commitment.

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Toms p.o.v.

When I woke up to an empty bed the next morning, I immediately regretted everything I said last night.

I knew he didn't love me yet. Why did I pressure him? Now he's gone. He's taken everything with him.

Now it was just me in this place...I felt so empty.

Maybe if I A simple apology wouldn't work this time. I had to do something special for him.

But first, I should find out where he is.

And that would mean getting out of bed. Which wasn't gonna be easy.

I put a look of determination on my face and swung one of my legs off the bed, then the other. I stared at the floor with seething hatred, and placed my feet on it. My weight shifted to my legs, and I immediately fell on my butt.
I groaned as loudly as I could and threw my head back in annoyance.

'Come on Tom, you can do this. Just stand up and walk. It's not that hard.'

I pressed my hands on the back of the bed and pushed my self up slowly with my legs.
I was finally standing. Now all I needed to do was walk.
As soon as I took the first step towards the door way, my knee buckled and I fell again, but this time on my face.

I sighed against the hard wood. I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Sparklez really got me good.

"Thomas, you seem to be in a pickle dearie. Do you need help?" Martha's voice sang.

I turned my head slightly from the floor and looked up at Martha's figure.

"Er, you wouldn't happen to have a spell that could maybe help me walk? That would be really awesome right now."

She laughed and hooked one of her arms around my back and sat me up.

"What's got you crippled sweetie? You and your lover get more injuries than Stevie and I combined!"

"Well uh, Sparklez is stronger than a lot of things," I said as I looked to see if she caught my drift.

"Oh! Oh you poor thing, you must be in so much pain. I'm sure I have a spell somewhere in my book, let me go fetch it. I'll have you walking in a jiffy!" She assured me and walked back out of my bedroom door.

Minutes later she came back with one of the thickest and oldest books I'd ever seen. The pages were worn out and sticking from the sides of the cover, but they were readable to her I guess. She flipped to a page way back in her book and her eyes searched at the words.

"Let me see...oh! Here's one I can try!" She straightened her back and shoulders. She cleared her voice and lifted eyes up to me.

"Vascano palmithius!" She pointed her finger at me.

I didn't really feel anything, I expected some kind of awesome surge of energy or even a slight pain. But there was nothing.

"Try to stand now dear, it might not work for a few moments," she closed her book and waited patiently for me to stand.

I pressed my palms against the bed once again, and pushed my body up with my feet.

I stood perfectly. I took a step forward to Martha. I didn't fall. The pain in my lower half was gone, my legs felt stronger and not so much like jellie.

"Yes! I'm not a cripple any more! Woo!" I jumped and ran across the room, completely forgetting there was a gaping hole in the floor.

"Syndy wait!" Martha tried to warn, but I had already stepped across the ledge.

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