Chapter 35: Franklin the Transparent Pig.

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Jordan's p.o.v.

"Okay so...drop of luck...that should be it..."
I emptied a tiny drop of gold liquid from the brown bottle into the caldron.
A tiny sizzling could be heard a the potion began to form.
I pulled out an empty glass bottle and carefully dipped it into the caldron, collecting the potion.

I had been trying to form a certain spell all day, but I ultimately failed twice. This was my third try in attempting this spell, and I didn't to have the time or will to try again.
I walked into my golden chalked circle and pulled the cork from the potion jar. I began to slowly tilt the bottle trying my hardest not to-

"Whatcha doin?!" I heard a female voice in my ear.

I jumped and almost dropped the jar, but caught it just in time.
I spun around to meet a pair of light purple eyes staring back at mine.

"Doing a scared the mana out of me..."

Ianite giggled at my reaction.

"What exact spell are you attempting?"

"I'm not sure what it does...but I'm pretty sure it does something awesome."

"May I observe? I love watching you cast spells!"

"The last time you watched me cast a spell, I almost died from the explosion."

"Oh I'm sure this one will turn out great! I believe in your witchery powers!"

She laughed again and pulled back a strand of her dark purple hair that was tied into a side braid. She was wearing a high-low light purple and silver dress that trailed all the way to the ground. It had a sweetheart neckline and she wore white pearls around her neck. She had a flower crown imbedded around the top of her head, smaller pearled earrings in her ears.
She looked really happy and bright today.

"Do you like my appearance?" She asked, noticing my gaze.

"Yeah, you look very nice today. What's the occasion?"
She must have been dressed up for something important.

"Oh there is none. Can't a lady dress nicely when she pleases?"

"Of course, I just wanted to know why."

She pointed at the jar of goldish brown liquid in my hand.

"Are you going go test it or not?" She asked curious.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot."

I poured the liquid all over the center symbol of the circle.
It began to glow and form a purple aura around it.
Ianite gasped and leaned closer, intrigued by what was happening.
The purple fog began to disperse, leaving me with a pig.

A purple transparent pig.

I groaned. I thought something cool would happen if I did this.

But my groaning ended when I heard Ianites squeals of excitement.

"JORDAN! THIS WAS MY PIG!" She squeaked while jumping up and down.

"Wait, what?"


She ran to the pig, and hugged it's surprisingly solid body.

It seemed to know her, given that it snuggled into her when she hugged it. Which was a thing pigs never did.

"Franklin! Roll over! Go on boy!" She coached in a sweet voice.

The transparent pig obeyed and rolled over on its back.

Ianite squealed again and rubbed its tummy, the pig oinked a happy sound as she did.

I laughed at her excitement for the little pig.
I felt like I did something...right for once

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