Chapter 23: My First Night Terror.

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I shot up from the bed. I felt my forehead and it was covered in cold sweat.
It was one of the worst dreams I'd had so far. It wasn't about Capsize or Ianite, it was about everyone I loved.

I was chained to a wall and was forced to watch all of my friends deaths.
The images wouldn't leave my mind. They were stuck and I couldn't get them out.

I looked over to the other side to tell Tom, but he wasn't there.
I picked up my communicator and tried to call him, but he wasn't online.

I began breathing really fast. I think I was hyperventilating. The images continued to flash in my head. Blood everywhere.
Screams of the people I love stuck in my brain.
I shoved my hands to my ears and tried to block it out. It wouldn't work.

I began sobbing, trying desperately to get rid of the images and sounds.
I stuffed a pillow over my head and screamed.

They wouldn't leave.

Tuckers pleading, Sonja's screams, Toms cries of pain.

"Stop stop stOP STOP STOP!!!" I screamed as they continued.

The lieutenants blood smudged grin, the kings dark chuckles.
The metal clanging of the chains as I tried to pull free.

I pulled myself from my bed and faced the wall.
'If you hit your head long enough, your concussion will kick in, and you'll go
unconscious' the thought crossed my mind.

It was a terrible idea, but I was desperate.

I began hitting my head against the wall screaming, trying my hardest to pass out.

I felt arms pull me from the wall and my mind immediately thought of the lieutenant, coming to kill me.

I screamed and hit, punched, and kicked as hard as I could.

I spun around and came face to face with Tom.

"What happened?! Why are you hurting yourself?!"

"The-they wo-won't g-go a-away!" I sobbed.

"What?! Who won't?!"

I couldn't answer him.
The voices in my head were as strong as they were in the dream, I couldn't hear anything else over my own screams.

My head was pounding from the pain. My ribs hurt from screaming and moving so much.
Tom pulled me onto the bed and held me. I continued to scream while the images kept flooding in. Sonja's slit throat, Tucker's bloodshot eyes, Toms mangled body, Wags unrecognizable bloody face.

They wouldn't stop.

I felt Toms hand begin to brush through my hair. He was trying to calm me. More images came. The lieutenants blood soaked rapier, the kings blade covered in gore.

"It's's okay..."

My screams were reduced to sobs.

Their voices screaming my name, pleading for me to help them.

The sobbing was quieter now. Tom began to draw circles on my back.

The last of it came. Their voices telling me it's my fault, I killed them.

It was just crying now.

"Was it a nightmare?" He asked me quietly.

I nodded my head.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have turned off my communicator. I was just trying not to wake you up. Are you okay?"

I shook my head no. I was most definitely not okay.

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