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"I don't pay attention to the world ending

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"I don't pay attention to the world ending.

it has ended for me many-a-times

and began again in the morning."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

FATE WAS WHERE HER ANSWERS LAY. Fate was the one that had put her in this position, and she would be the one to get Serenity out of this mess.

As Serenity walked back to the crater she had initially landed in, her head swarming with memories of how easy those days were- when the only problem in her life was being mated to a vampire, the same vampire who she was ready to do anything she had to now.

Ready to make her flight back to heaven for the umpteenth time in the past few weeks, she let out a dark chuckle at the fact that she had started warming up to fate.

Maybe it was her own fault she allowed herself to get so close to that woman, but how could she not when that same woman had given her nothing but happiness, that is, until now. She was the one who predestined Caius to her, the one who had helped the two meet, and the one who had finally given Serenity her wings.

But Serenity's palm clenched in anger, because she was also the one who had written this destiny for Caius.

As Serenity reached the location, she hurriedly pulled out her brooch from a pouch she had hidden in the corset of her dress. As she pinned the brooch on her light, summery dress, a pair of beautiful wings once again spread out from her back. However the once exhilarating feeling was now almost dull, as Serenity had much more important things in her mind.

She took flight from the ground and in a few moments she was soaring through the clouds, the beauty of the scenery around her overlooked by her. The same beauty that she would have been overjoyed to have seen with her own eyes any other day.

Eyes glazed and with thoughts of different outcomes of her current predicament fighting for dominance within her mind, Serenity did not even realise she had reached her destination before a violent shaking of her body pulled her back into the reality.

She came face-to-face with her biggest nemesis, someone who had not faced Serenity's wrath yet, but she would, all for messing with the angel, underestimating her.

Serenity was convinced she had never hated anyone as much as she hated the person standing in front of her in this instance, and the notion was true- for the angel was not a hateful person, nor a vindictive one- but she would, no doubt, take vengeance from fate.

Serenity pushed Fate's dismal, but comforting, arms away from her body and confronted her. "How could you do this to me?"

The cerulean haired woman astonished by the sudden aggressiveness of the angel, took a step forward, her own arms held out as if placating a toddler on the brink of crying. "What do you mean Serenity, I'm sorry to say this but I am not following."

Enraged by the façade that the woman was putting up, Serenity shouted, "Do you take me to be a fool? How can you expect me to believe that the mighty Fate herself is oblivious to what my Caius is suffering right now!"

The strong face she had put up and her voice both broke down as she remembered how lifeless Caius had seemed on that bed. Fate overcame the distance Serenity had placed between the two of them, and took the sobbing woman in her arms, wanting to provide comfort to the unlikely friend she had made on the way, but the pain in her voice brought moistness to Fate's eyes as well when she whispered, "He's on his death bed.... because of me, and I do not know how to fix this."

Fate rubbed her pale palms in comforting circles on Serenity's back as she spoke out. "I am not the one who decides the death." With a chortle she continued, "It is too- too morbid for me. Death, that is. So, my sister is the one in control of it."

Serenity looked up at the taller woman, hope glittering in her eyes, "Well, can you take me to her? I'll plead my case- I'll do anything I have to do, but please just give me this chance."

A dark look took over Fate's face as she looked away into the distance, but nodded. "Her name is Lachesis, and we'll find her in the underworld."

Angel ━ Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now