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"You are always one decision awayfrom a totallydifferent life

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"You are always one
decision away
from a totally
different life."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

WINTERY TREES STOOD NEXT TO CASTLE, poised in a fashion similar to ballet dancers, as if to show the world their grace. Serenity lifted her head into the wind, eyes open for this softly lit night. She turned to Gabriel as she heard him speak.

"This is where I leave you." Silently giving her an encouraging nod, he motioned for her to enter the majestic gates. And so she did.

Stepping inside the castle, she found it to be just as,if not more, intricate as the outside. It had architecture like she had never seen before- one that could inspire awe even in the most pompous of people. The roof instead of a flat surface was covered with gold domes depicting beautifully multiple scenes from the bible. The open entry room in front of her was helped up with the most ostentatiously detailed pillars, painted in a brilliant white. The walls grew from the entrance into the entry room which consisted of more windows than a casual glance could count. Said walls were covered with exalted portraits painted in oil and hung exuberantly in golden frames. Other than the windows, there seemed to be no doors on the ground floor, only arches.

The air was scented with a pleasant smell of fresh flowers, bringing a little hope to Serenity- maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought. She did have a bad habit of over thinking even the most mundane of things. She spied stairs just to the left of where she was standing, and sensing a pull towards it, she let her feet guide her. The stairs ahead were twisted in a perfect spiral. She let her hand fall on to the ornate mahogany iron rail, carved and polished to such an extent that they shined bright like a diamond. Placing her weight onto the first step of many, she heard no creak; they were as solid as the day they were made. She walked swiftly to the top, and came to a halt in front of a pair of regal doors.

Hesitantly Serenity pushed open the doors, apprehensive about the scene that was waiting for her. She walked into a grandiloquent room with a seat in the middle of the room- a throne room it seemed like. A white, furry rug ran up from the door to the throne, matching the smaller carpets on either side of it, with emblazoned corners in the walls. Between each banner stood candle holders, with the candles held in them illuminating paintings of gods and goddesses placed right above them.

The throne was carved of a fine oak, crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant car of arms. Although the throne was impressive, it was a mere stool compared to the woman who sat upon it. Unable to place her eyes upon the woman, Serenity averted them to once again look around the room. She was surprised that she had missed out on the two angels standing guard beside the throne.

"Serenity, please come in." She looked towards the speaker, one who possessed such a beautiful voice, and met the eyes of Fate herself. She walked silently, with her held head down before coming to a stop before the elevated ground, which held the throne. Once again, she raised her eyes to take in the woman who sat in front of her.

Fate was beautiful. Her silvery eyes, just like the night moon, were calm and emotionless. Her cerulean hair was long and wavy, almost as if it was tailored from a piece of fabric. It stood in stark contrast to the white dress she wore, while sitting ever so regally. Her plain white dress was adorned with gold jewellery pieces- gold bands around her forearms, necklaces around her neck, and a gold chain wrapped ever so lightly around the thin of her waist. Some could even say she was a reincarnation of Aphrodite herself. Despite this beauty, her face was stoic, expressionless and absent of any emotions- that made Serenity even more so nervous.

"It's a pleasure to meet you... your Majesty." Serenity let out, a little dubious, not knowing how to go about such a situation or even how to address the female sitting in front of her.

"Mine as well, love." Fate replied in a pleasant voice. "I have a task that I wish for you to carry out."

Serenity let out a hum in astonishment. Fate wanted a favour from her. "Why me?"

The blue haired woman released a laughter that echoed around the grand room. "I heard that you are looking forward for your own pair of wings. Going on this quest will ensure that for you."

That was the best news Serenity had heard, and so without even giving it a thought, she spoke. "What do I have to do?"

Fate's lips curved upwards, as if holding back a smile, knowing that Serenity was a mere puppet in her story. "People are evading things that have been written in their fate. Many innocents have been dying much before their destined time and I wish for you to go down to Earth and find the cause."

"I can do that for you, your majesty. Where on Earth will I be heading?"

"A place called Volterra. You leave tomorrow morning."

Unbeknownst to Serenity, as she agreed to such a request, she played right into Fate's hands.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙chapter two fin˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

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