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"So many stars in the skybut I like watchingthe moon when I miss your smile

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"So many
stars in the sky
but I like watching
the moon
when I miss your smile."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

IT HAD BEEN THREE DAYS; three whole days since Serenity had walked out of the castle.

Three days since she had been without Caius.

Three days seem to be nothing; yet for her it was. As much as she didn’t want to miss a two-timing cheater, she still did. He plagued her thoughts every single day and Serenity didn’t know how much longer she could take it for.

So she decided she would go back. Just to talk to him. She hadn’t forgiven Caius for what he had done, but as her anger cooled down, she could understand his reasoning behind hiding it from her.

Serenity realised that maybe her anger wasn’t even at the fact that he had a wife, because who wouldn’t? 3000 years is a long time to live, and it’s only natural that he sought out company.

No, her anger was caused by her jealousy, the fact that someone other than her had felt Caius in ways she had to yet, the fact that she wouldn’t be able to compare to Athenodora.

These things revolved in Serenity’s head the entire way to the castle. Even as she stood in front of the castle, she couldn’t help but question if she was making the right decision.

“You can do this Serenity” she muttered to herself, lightly giving her cheeks a slap. Serenity finally found the courage and took a step, placing her right foot on the first step of the entry way.

“Wow that was easier than I thought.” Soon she took off to walking at a normal pace. As she looked around the castle, she realized how soon it had become her home. She knew every nook, every painting, every route in the castle. Yet, what made it seem so familiar were the people.

Serenity’s eyes pooled with tears as moments with Caius flashed in her mind. They had known each other for no more than two months, yet it felt like an eternity. She felt like she knew his inside and out, and that’s what had made her fall so deep for him. His soul.

She stopped in her tracks as the closed doors to the throne room made their way in her peripherals, but this wasn’t the time to back up. She fastened her pace and threw open the doors with as much might as she possessed.

Every face turned to look at the woman intruding an assembly, yet the familiar face Serenity was looking for, was nowhere in sight.

“Where is he Marcus?”  Serenity questioned one of the two rulers sat upon the throne, the third seat seeming so lonely without its master.

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