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"How strange of meto dream of youeven when I am wide awake"

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"How strange of me
to dream of you
even when I am
wide awake"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY HAD THE BEST TIME of her life that day. She spent the entire day with Gabriel, getting into all sorts of trouble and putting her newly earned wings to good use. She truly was happy to be back home.

But as the day came to an end, Serenity realised that as happy as she was, she did not feel content, satisfied. It was almost as if something, or rather someone, was stopping her from achieving the true extent of happiness.

That was when she made up her mind to go back to Volterra and give Caius another chance. It wasn’t fair to him that she had made her judgments based on what he was, and not who he was. Maybe if she got to know him, he might surprise her.

Before she could come down from the high and excitement of getting her wings and change her mind, Serenity got up from her sitting place, ready to land once more on Earth.

Where are you going?” A voice called out, and Serenity realised that she had completely forgotten about the person she had been sitting with.

Sorry Gabriel, but I have to go somewhere.” Serenity said giving him a sheepish smile, embarrassed of cutting their day together short. “I’ll see you later?”

Gabriel gave her a sad smile in response and gestured her to go with his hands.

Serenity returned his smile with a thankful one of her own and hurried towards the departing point. Less than a minute had passed, and she was standing in the same forest that started it all. However many times Serenity had done this trip between Earth and Heaven, she would never get used to it. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling at all.

There was always this terrible, lurching feeling in her stomach that made her want to let out everything she had eaten that day. But today, that feeling was quickly dispelled away as she made eye contact with the person who had been waiting for her arrival.

She had previously never gotten the opportunity to observe him as closely as she could now, and it would be a lie to say that he was not attractive. The man standing in front of Serenity had her sucking in a long breath, he was very handsome. Not in a traditional way, but his long platinum blond hair, pale skin and red eyes rendered him no far than a model.

Caius” Serenity breathed out, realising how smoothly the name ran off her tongue, like it was meant to be spoken by her. “What are you doing here?”

Hesitantly, Caius took a small step towards the girl with an outstretched hand. “This note flew into my room, and it said you would be waiting for me here.” He spoke out while gesturing to his outstretched hand and it was only then that Serenity noticed the small piece of paper clutched between his fingers.

She took the paper from his hands, and retracted her own while lightly brushing the tip of his fingers across his knuckles. Caius let out an audible gasp and Serenity silently chuckled at his nervousness. It was quite flattering to see the effect she had on him, and Serenity felt a wave of relief come over her as she realized her feelings were reciprocated.

Finally, she turned her eyes to look at the paper that was now held in her hands. The edges of the paper were messy and uneven, almost as if someone had tore the paper out in haste. The hand writing however, stood in complete contrast to the dishevelled appearance of the paper. The writings on the paper had been worded out carefully in an elegant cursive.

Serenity shook her head with a fond smile as she figured out the sender of this mysterious note. Of course, Fate knew that Serenity would go back to Volterra.

Unsure of what to do with the note, she handed it back to Caius. “You didn’t have to come, you know.”

“I wanted to.” His simple three worded reply was enough for her heart to break out in a giddy dance.

Still unable to restrain the huge smile forming on her place, Serenity asked: “Alright, so what do you wish to do now?”

“If you don’t mind, I intended to show you to my favourite place. It is quite near, actually.” Caius put out an open palm towards Serenity, silently asking her to put her own hand in his.

Slipping her hand in his, Serenity smiled at him. “I don’t mind at all.”

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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