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"Yes, you may kiss me, and cry;and wring out my kisses and tears:they'll blight you- they'll damn you

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"Yes, you may kiss me, and cry;
and wring out my kisses and tears:
they'll blight you- they'll damn you.
You loved me- what right had you to leave me?"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

THE DAY WAS QUICK TO SET; and night took its place instead. Yet, the two were sat at the exact same spot. The entire day had passed, but for the couple it felt no more than a few minutes. Comfortable in each other’s arms, they talked about everything and anything, catching up on the missed week.

“And-and then, he was exposed to the public in only his undergarments!”  Caius huffed out in between fits of laughter, describing a situation Aro had been caught in a few centuries prior.

Serenity burst out laughing at the ridiculous image forming in her head. “Oh my- I cannot believe Aro allowed himself to be caught in such a state, by the people he rules over nonetheless!”

“It’s kind of hard to imagine, yeah?”

“Oh yeah, definitely.”  Serenity spoke out in confidence. “He holds himself with such grace and elegance; it’s really difficult to imagine that he has undergone such experiences. But the next time I feel scared of him, I’ll just try to imagine him in that state.”

Serenity let out a laugh once again, and turned towards Caius, only to find that he didn’t join her in this moment of happiness.

He looked at her carefully, “You’re scared of Aro?”

Heat rose to her cheeks, as Serenity looked down at her lap. “Well yeah, the interactions that I’ve had with him, he’s been very intimidating. And initially, Marcus was the only one in this castle I was not scared of.”

“Does that mean you were scared of me too?”

Noticing the offended expression that adorned Caius’ face, Serenity was quick to change her statement. “Well, I wouldn’t exactly say scared, it was more of apprehension.”

Unfortunately, the answer didn’t seem to satisfy Caius as hurt washed over his features. Defeated, Serenity rubbed a hand over her face and sighed out. “Look- as an Angel, my entire life I have been taught about good deeds and kindness. So it wasn’t easy for me to look away from the fact that you’re all vampires, you drink the blood of human beings! We have always learned to take care of humans, dote upon them.. so it went against all of my morals, all of my teachings, to accept you for that.”

“Then why did you? Why are you sitting here with me right now?”

“Do you remember the day you were waiting for me in the forest, because of that note?”

Caius nodded in reply, urging Serenity to continue. “Well that note was from Fate. After Marcus revealed that we were mates, I went back to heaven with no plans of returning; I didn’t want to be mated to a vampire. But when I talked to Fate, she told me that it was okay to be selfish for once, to go for what my heart desired. She told me that it doesn’t do to dwell on the good, but rather try to find the good in things. And that’s why I came back, I came back to give you one chance. And honestly, it was the best decision of my life.”

Angel ━ Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now