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"Not all storms cometo disrupt your life,some come toclear your path

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"Not all storms come
to disrupt your life,
some come to
clear your path.."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY SOON FOUND HERSELF STANDING once again in front of residence of the vampire kings. She was scared- frightened even. Her task had been to find out he murderers and report them back to fate, so what was she doing here waiting to meet one of those murderers- especially when they were vampires. It all seemed so unreal.

Nevertheless, building up her courage, she willed herself to walk into that damned building once again. But before she could even take a step inside the building, Serenity found Felix and Demetri waiting for her at the entrance.

“We came to receive you. Marcus Master is waiting for you in the east wing.” It was Demetri who spoke up first and Serenity silently appreciated the man for not letting the fight hurt his ego.

“Oh? Well, it’s good that you both came because otherwise I would have gone to the throne room.”

“Yes, Master Marcus wished to talk to you alone. That would not have been possible had he called audience in throne room as the other kings would also be obliged to be present to the meeting.” It was Felix’s turn to talk now.

“Alright, shall we go then?”  Serenity said while gesturing with her hands for the two men to lead the way.

Soon, she was being guided towards a completely different part of the museum that she had not seen before. Serenity looked around as they walked, and while this wing of the building also followed the same colour pattern as the entire museum, she found it to be more refined, more elegant.

The corridor they were walking through were still red and black, but little mementos and decoration pieces along the way helped to give it a more intricate look. The right wall was covered with oil paintings of different men and women- possibly ancestors to the kings. While, the left wall had little indents along the corridor where books were placed neatly and in an orderely fashion.

She could not help but stop by the book shelves. Serenity had always had an immense love for books- they allowed you to live and experience even the most bizarre situations.

Running a finger over the spine of one of the ancient books, Serenity heard Felix clear his throat from behind her. “This is Master Marcus’ private wing. He is a man with a very refined taste.”

Serenity did not want to hold up the two vampire any longer and so she withdrew her hand and started walking once again, only turning back to check if the pair was following her.

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