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"The longer the wait,the sweeter the kiss

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"The longer the wait,
the sweeter the kiss."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

AN ENTIRE WEEK HAS PASSED since the two talked properly, said something more than the daily greetings of good morning and good night. But Serenity didn’t mind it; Caius had to fulfil his duties as a king and that’s what had kept him busy the last few days. What she did mind though, was how secretive he was about the whole ordeal.

When Caius had been initially called to the throne room- just after their talk in the art room, Serenity had blatantly expressed her interest in accompanying him, but Caius had been quick to diffuse the request. He had said something along the lines of ‘It would be dangerous for you to be in a room full of vampires’, but that the most pathetic excuse Serenity had heard.

She knew that he, or his brothers, or even his guard for that matter, would not have let anything happen to her. Yet, seeing how reluctant he was to take her along, Serenity didn’t push the matter further. Instead, bracing her face with a promising smile, she sent Caius on his way with a light pat on the arm.

Serenity had made herself comfortable to Marcus’ book collection- with his permission, of course- and a week had passed silently. Today was no different, she sat curled up on the sofa in Caius’ room, which was now also hers, with a book on her lap. Marcus had the grandest collection of books ranging from different genres to different literary eras. It was like a heaven for Serenity- metaphorically.

Today’s book was a little different than the other romantic novels she had read during the week; it was about supernatural creatures. Ever since the day Caius had told her about his back story, and how he had once almost been killed by a werewolf, Serenity had been very intrigued by the creatures. So when she was browsing Marcus’ library in the morning, and she came across a book about all kinds of existing supernatural creatures, she couldn’t help but reach out for it.

She had picked it up and returned to the room holding the fragile book in her hands.  She sat on the comfortable sofa, tucked her feet under her lap and opened it up to the contents page. The first chapter was dedicated to ‘Aigamuxa: A creature with eyes on their feet’. The one below that mentioned ‘Amphisbaena: A snake with head at each end’. Serenity realised that the creatures were alphabetically arranged according to their names, and as interesting as the first two seemed, she wanted to read about werewolves.

So, she turned the page and dragged her finger down the contents of the page, and as she found what she was looking for, Serenity horizontally moved her finger in a straight line to check the page which held the information about werewolves. Moving to page 394, she saw the title and started reading.

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