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"She is proof that you can walk through helland still be an angel

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"She is proof
that you can
walk through hell
and still be an angel."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY WALKED TOWARDS THE WINDOW prepared to fight any intruder regardless of their identity, but as she reached the open window she came to face with no one. She placed her palms on the windowsill, clutching it tightly, and leaned over the window to look at the road below.

Serenity had lost track of the time during the hectic day, but as she looked at the road and saw not even one soul in the dark night, she figured it must be a few hours past midnight.

Taking a deep breath in through her nose, she prepared herself for the stupid decision she was going to make, and called out in the night sky: "Whoever you are, show yourself. I already know you are there, and it would be in the best of both our interests for you to come out."

Although seemingly brave and courageous on the outside, Serenity was secretly wishing that the person won't come out of hiding. She was not really keen on fighting anybody after all. But it seemed like asking for even one minute of peace on Earth was asking for a lot, and she saw the fluttering of curtains as coldness draped over her.

She turned away from the window to face her hotel room, and was not surprised to see two vampires sitting on her bed- one with a very familiar face.

"Felix. What are you doing here and who is that with you?" Serenity asked the familiar man whilst pointing towards the other man who sat beside him.

"Oh my dear, is that any way of welcoming a guest?" Felix retorted back, dodging from answering her questions.

"That is precisely the way of welcoming unwanted guests." Her sarcastic reply had the two men chuckling in no time.

"I like you." Spoke the other man as if approving of her. "I'm Demetri, and we're here to take you back to the kings."

"I'm pretty sure it was one of the kings, Marcus I think, who told me to head back to my hotel." Serenity spoke out, crossing her arms over chest and looking between the two vampires trying to figure out their motive.

"Well yes, but that was before you found out about... our secret."

Serenity let out a gasp at Demetri's statement. She had been extremely careful-or so she had though until now- but how had someone managed to see her? Albeit she was thrown off guard by this new revelation, she couldn't let the two men see her internal turmoil, so she put on a neutral face. If one of the three kings had found out that she knew they were vampires, the only reason they could be calling her back was to kill her, to keep their secret safe. And so she spoke out. "Well I have no plans on going with you willingly. I won't hesitate to fight you if it comes down to that."

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