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"sentimental heart,and a skeptical mind

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"sentimental heart,
and a skeptical mind."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY RAN OUT OF THE MUSEUM IN TEARS; why did she have to be mated to a vampire. She would never be able to accept him for who, or what he was. He killed innocent people for fun, and that went against all her morals, all that she had been taught since childhood.

Why did fate have to be so cruel?

"Fate! That's it!" Serenity murmured to herself, attracting a few weird looks as the people around her saw a girl sprinting with tears running over her face, all whilst talking to herself.

But Serenity didn't care, not when she finally had a solution to this predicament.

Hurriedly, she made her way to the location where she had first landed on Earth. Closing her eyes, she muttered an incantation she had engrained in her mind; her only way out of Volterra.

"O Theé, travíxe me se séna."

Before she knew it, Serenity was being sucked seamlessly through the air and into the heavens above. It was a weird sensation; she could feel the turbulent winds around her as if they were the ones carrying her weight.

The entire time, Serenity felt a strong urge to open her eyes, to see the beautiful country of Volterra for one last time, but she didn't. She wasn't a huge fan of heights, so there was no guarantee how her body would react to seeing her shoot up into the sky.

Barely a minute had passed, when Serenity fell right in front of Fate's castle with a thud. Getting up, she brushed her dress up, glancing at the place where it all began. The view was just as, if not more, beautiful that Serenity remembered; but the situations the castle had aroused, not at all beautiful- but in fact malicious.

Clutching her dress in her hands, she lightly pulled it up to make sure it rested above her feet, and broke out in a brisk movement in the direction of the castle.

She passed the same beautiful structures and paintings, but this time she didn't pay any attention to those- instead she was determined. Determined to finish this, once and for all. Lost in such thoughts, Serenity didn't realise when she had turned up in front of the throne room doors.

Pushing the doors aside with the large iron handle, Serenity stormed inside the room. Not bothering with any of the pleasantries, she blurted out: "I failed the mission. I was unable to hunt the killers. I don't care that I won't get my wings, or even if you'll punish me for leaving the mission prematurely, but I can't do it anymore. I refuse to do it. I refuse to go back to that wretched place!"

A light laugh brought Serenity out of her rambling and she met the earnest doting eyes of Fate. "My dear, there was no mission."

Serenity was unable to understand what was going on? She was sent on a mission by Fate and now Fate was claiming that there was no mission in the first place. "But.. but there were people.. people that were killing others, keeping them from the fate you had written for them."

"Listen to me Serenity. Everybody says that Fate works in mysterious ways, and this was just my way of allowing you to meet your mate."

Serenity was left stunned with this announcement. "You knew about this? You knew I'm destined to be with a vampire, and you were okay with that?"

Another throaty chuckle made its way out of Fate's throat. "I think you're forgetting that I am Fate. Of course I knew about it, considering that I was the one who wrote this fate for you."

"What?! Why.. why me?"

"Serenity, regardless of what you might think, you're perfect for him- and he for you. That's just the way it works. The world needs balance- there's always good and bad, yin and yang. That's what you are for him. Your purity and innocence is exactly what a vampire like Caius needs."

Taking a glance at Serenity's silence, Fate continued: "This is just the way it's meant to work, don't try to fight it Serenity. You don't know what you're depriving yourself of, finding your mate is the best thing that could happen to you- don't let your ego get in the way of that. Just remember that Fate never makes mistakes."

"If I accept this bond, what changes? Do I still get my wings? Will I have to live on Earth forever now?"

"You have been an excellent angel, Serenity. The bravery and courage you showed whilst facing vampires was commendable. And thereby I, Fate, officially bestow upon you your first pair of wings."

Those words filled Serenity with warmth, she was overjoyed as she saw Fate gesture to the two men standing next to her throne. The angel on her right walked forward towards the woman sitting regally on the throne with a cloth covered platter, and held it in front of her at an arms reach.

Breaking eye contact with Serenity, Fate reached out to unveil the platter, and what lay underneath the cloth had Serenity gasping in delight. It was a brooch.

But not just a common brooch, it was one that Serenity had seen countless Angels flaunt, one that depicted your status and wings. Even from afar, Serenity could see that it was polished and cut to perfection. The brilliant topaz engraved in the middle of the brooch glittered like the sun-kissed ocean lapping over the sands.

Serenity stood there, transfixed by the enchanting jewel that had a magnificent, warm aura surrounding it, giving off its ethereal glow. It shone so bright, that had there not been any light in the room, its radiance would have been enough to light every corner of the place.

Fate picked up the brooch delicately and walked over to Serenity with an outstretched hand. Giving a doting smile to her, Fate pinned the ornament to Serenity's dress right over her heart.

No words could describe what happened next. Serenity was covered by a blinding glow and she emerged out of it with fully extended white wings. It truly was a magical view.

Giddy and overwhelmed with emotions, Serenity bounced lightly on her feet. "Thank you! Thank you so much! I truly don't even know how to thank you for this."

"There's no need to thank me Serenity, it was well deserved. Now, just remember you can detach your wings when you unpin the brooch, which I assume you'll be doing before going back to Earth." Fate gave Serenity a teasing wink and waved her away. "Now shoo, go live your life."

As Fate turned her back to Serenity, walking towards her throne, she couldn't help but mirror the huge grin that adorned the young girl's face. Everything was finally on the right path, and Fate couldn't help but be contented with what was coming for the serene Angel.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Finally chapter 1 of act 1 is up! I know I made you guys wait long, but just be sure that there's good things coming along.

Im also sorry for the lack of Serenity and Caius in this chapter(also what should their ship name be??). But the next few chapters will have a lotttt of them two!!

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