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"You've been on my mind for days at a time, and I can't remember the last time I got thishomesick, over someone else's eyes

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"You've been on my mind for days at a time,
and I can't remember the last time I got this
homesick, over someone else's eyes."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY TOOK A STEP BACK from the canvas she was painting on to admire her work, and burst out laughing. She bent over; one hand clutched at her stomach and wheezed out to the man next to her.  “That does not look like you at all! It looks like that grandma from Moana! What was her name…?”  Serenity’s brows furrowed and she clicked her fingers, trying to recollect name of the character.

Caius watched the girl with amusement, a fond smile on his face. “You don’t mean to say Gramma Talla, surely? Because I take offense to that.”

Serenity gasped out loud in surprise, You watch Disney films?!”

The vampire in question shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. “Uhh.. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. But yeah, that’s kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.”

Serenity giggled lightly, wondering how fast two weeks with Caius had flown. The two had spent two whole weeks in each other’s company; still he never failed to surprise Serenity. After every single day, after every extensive conversation, Serenity would go back to bed thinking she had finally cracked the code that was Caius. Yet, that would be proven wrong the very next day, when she would learn new things about Caius.

One of the things they had most conversed about was Caius’ love for the arts- painting specially. Serenity had been truly confounded when he had confessed how much he liked painting. For him, it felt like a respite from the evil world, something he could truly invest his energy in. It was extremely hard for her to digest that a vampire, someone that she had thought to be inhumane, could be appreciative of art forms.

That was when she had realized that maybe it was her in the wrong, that maybe they were not all soulless creatures, and so she had took to opening up to Caius much more- getting to know him, and letting him get to know her.

Serenity had always wanted to be a skilled painter for she wanted to be able to represent the beauty of heaven. Yes, the paintings by Michelangelo and other painters were great; but they didn’t do the pulchritude of heaven justice. But she didn’t blame them, because they had never seen heaven with their own eyes.

However, she had, and she wanted to be able to showcase it to the world. And so, she had asked Caius to teach her painting.

The day after his confession, right in the morning, he had woken up Serenity with a wide smile and announced that he was going to take her to show his art room. Giddy and overjoyed, Serenity remembered getting ready in mere minutes and allowing him to whisk her away to his safe haven.

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