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"The mostbeautiful part is,I wasn't even looking when I found you

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"The most
beautiful part is,
I wasn't even looking
when I found you."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY QUICKLY TRACED BACK HER STEPS, she had to get out of here. Although she may be immortal, there was just no way that she could take on an entire army of vampires on her own.

When she had first met the kings, Serenity was confused- she didn’t know what it was that they ruled over because Volterra was a democratic country. But now it all made sense, now she understood that they were the kings of vampires. And if there was a need for kings in the vampire world, it meant that there were many more vampires than those in this castle. Was the vampire population concentrated only in Volterra? Or were they spread all around the world?

Serenity did not know the answers and so she refused to go into battle blind. She had to get out of here and think of a plan because many innocent people were losing their lives by the second.

Thus, Serenity hurriedly walked away from the museum unknowing that Marcus had seen her. He had seen her peeping inside the door, and sent two members of his elite guard to follow her, with the explicit instruction of not hurting her.

Serenity quickly made her way through the ever growing night and came across a decent looking hotel. She looked at the neon sign that was hanging just above the entry door and read the name of the hotel she would be staying in for the night. Hotel Revamper. Disregarding the name, she hastily pushed open the double doors of the hotel and stepped inside.

This was no ‘chocolate on the pillows’ kind of hotel, instead it was far from that. But this was no time to be paying attention to appearances; instead it was time to be taking action against the heartless monsters Serenity had encountered. Spying a receptionist sitting on a desk, Serenity walked over to her with a big smile on her face, lest she look suspicious. The receptionist smelled of stale perfume and the tables had ashtrays instead of flowers.

“Hi, I need a room for the night.” Serenity finally spoke up.

“Of course.”  The receptionist turned around to examine the board behind her which held the keys of various rooms. She outstretched her long lanky fingers towards one of the keys and grabbed it. Turning around, she shoved the keys into Serenity’s open palm. “Your room is the sixth room from the stairs on the sixth floor.”

Serenity looked down at the key in her hands and saw that her room number was six.

Six. Six. Six.

“Uh right, thanks.. Jude.” Serenity thanked the woman after throwing a glance at the name tag that was pinned on the collar of her uniform. "Also, could I please get a pen and a paper?"

The receptionist, Jude, narrowed her eyes at the girl but said nothing before she turned around once again and marched to the shelf in the corner. She grabbed a notepad and pen before placing them roughly down on the table in front of Serenity. “There. Anything else?”

Thrown off by the aggressive behaviour of the receptionist, Serenity quickly picked up her writing equipment and gave a small smile to her before she backed away towards where the stairs were.

After climbing a few flights of steps, Serenity breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw the sign reading Sixth Floor. She walked down the corridor, counting the doors she was passing through and soon she came to a stop in front of the sixth one. Putting the metal key into the lock, Serenity turned the key around and heard a click, indicating that the door was open.

Hesitantly, she walked inside the dark room and switched on the lights. The room was much better than she had expected it to be. It was comfortable and had a homey feeling to it, with a double bed in the centre of the room. There was a nice couch on the side of it and a study table across from it. Shutting the door behind her, she walked inside and put the room keys on the fireplace mantle. Serenity also made sure to turn on the electric fireplace because it was something she would need to use soon.

She made her way to the large window, feeling calm in the cold sensation of the ongoing wind. Remembering the task at hand, Serenity hastily shut the window and drew the light curtains over it. She sat on the study table that was stowed away in the corner of the room and turned on the lamp sitting on it. Not wanting to waste any more time, she quickly started penning her letter.

I have completed my quest and found what it was that was keeping people from their fate. Volterra resides many vampires that feed on humans. I cannot do this alone as there are many of them. I need you to send me reinforcements as soon as possible.



Swiftly, she tore the paper out of the notepad and folded it right down in the middle, writing the name of the recipient over it. The way of communication between earth and heaven was through fire, and that’s what she did. She was just about to put the folded letter into the lit fireplace to be sent to Gabriel, but she heard a noise that made her stop her actions.

Serenity slowly placed the letter on the mantle of the fireplace right beside the room key. She could send the letter after dealing with whoever was making the noise.

Serenity braced herself before turning to see the curtains fluttering from the air coming through the window. But that was not possible; Serenity explicitly remembered shutting the window. And so, she walked towards the window, ready to fight whoever was there.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙chapter six fin*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

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