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"I have loved the stars too fondly to be afraid of the night"

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"I have loved
the stars too fondly
to be afraid
of the night"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

THE NEXT MORNING SERENITY LANDED ON EARTH, creating a sort of crater beneath her landing spot. While some people thought it to be a mere landslide, some had an inkling it was not a normal occurrence- instead one to do with the supernatural.

She did not know where to start; it was such an odd task after all. Gabriel always told her that the most important factor to solving problems is the passion you behold, the drive to find an answer that is needed by your loved ones. In this case, the loved ones were her wings. Serenity knew that she needed to do this, if only to receive her pair of wings.

And so she did. She walked for hours on end, trying to find something out of ordinary- something that would lead her to the murderer. She walked in a way that made her seem perpetually in a hurry. The steps themselves were not long but they were rapid, and attention grabbing- as everybody stopped their daily chores to stare at the speed walking girl who held such an angelic beauty. As she walked on, her hair fluttered in the air, her clothes clung to her body, and her arms were tightly wrapped around her to fight the ongoing wind.

Although she was tired, determination drove her on. Face wiped clean, as if a screen had been pulled down to hide her emotions, she hurried along. It was beginning to get dark, the coming night sky teasing the sky into twilight. The cold painted bright red on her cheeks and the wind threw her hair around aimlessly. She decided that she would not quit so soon and look around or a few more hours, until night would fully take its claim. Albeit she walked around unsuccessfully, she did not consider her trip to be in vain. Volterra was truly a magnificent place.

The landscape around her, throughout the day, never failed to render her speechless. Every one of them filled with a plethora of colours as fresh as a new painting straight from Rome. The brilliant greens so brilliant that they held the power of banishing every dark thought, the blues in the sky lifting the mood of every onlooker.

Just as Serenity decided to call it a day and head to a motel to spend the night, she came across a scene that had her halting in her steps. She saw the seething mass of humanity dressed in smart casuals. All of them with happiness unkempt on their faces- as if excited to be heading somewhere. As she made note of the cameras hanging around on some people's necks, Serenity figured that these were tourists. Tourists that were not familiar with the country but still flowed down the wide avenue just the way a river always meets its banks.

It all made sense when she saw a mysterious figure leading the crowd. This sight was too suspicious for her to not check out- a horde of people being lead to God knows where. This was it! This was the lead she needed and quickly she walked up to the people, and blended seamlessly into the crowd.

After walking for a few minutes, Serenity realised they had stopped in front of a museum. She felt despair take over her, it was pretty normal for tourists to be visiting museums and maybe the person leading them was a mere tour guide. Nevertheless, seeing as she was already there she didn't see any harm in checking out her surroundings.

Splitting from the group, she started snooping around the museum. Serenity pushed over the cloth draped over her head and made her way, only to come to a halt when out of the corner of her eyes she spied a silhouetted figure, thin and unmoving. She crouched against the thick brick walls of the seemingly ancient museum, taking in shallow breaths as to not make a sound and alert the person in front of her. Silently, with her back to the wall, Serenity followed its pattern trying to reach the man. Now the figure, less than a feet away, and she sees that it is utterly white, almost inhumane, even the eyes are still like.

The eyes! Serenity double takes upon seeing the eyes- they were red, as red as blood.

"Who are you?" The man questioned, spotting her immediately- almost as if he possessed heightened hearing.

"Serenity, and who are you?"

"I'm Felix. A young lady like you should not be here at such a time."

"Why? It's a tourist place, isn't it? I think I have a right to be here."

The man chuckled to himself. "You asked for it. Now, follow me but just know that you are bringing this upon yourself. I'm sure your fate has much better things in store for you."

Now it was the Angel's turn to laugh, surprising the man. "That is precisely what I'm here for. Lead the way, sire."

As Serenity walked with the man, inky darkness engulfed the frail light around her, plunging their way into darkness. Her breath came out in a rugged pattern, her hands started sweating, and she wondered if she was doing the right thing- walking in an abandoned corridor with a stranger. But fate, fate has its own twisted ways of playing out.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ chapter three fin˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Y'all I'm so excited for the next chapter because Serenity will finally meet a certain someone!! *cough* Caius *cough*

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