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"I hope you are blessed, with a heart like wildflower

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"I hope you are blessed, with a heart like wildflower.

Strong enough to rise again after being trampled on.

Tough enough to weather the worst of the summer storms.

And able to grow and flourish even in the most broken places."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

AS SERENITY MULLED OVER HER WORDS, Fate took her elbow once again. "Come on, let us go. I shall take you back to Volterra once again and you can decide what you wish to do."

Fate had dropped Serenity outside the castle but with grave parting words, "Do not do anything reckless Serenity, for there are many people who care about your well-being greatly. Caius included. Remember that he would not want anything to happen to you."

But Serenity was determined, she had finally found a cure and she would do anything to make it work, even if it meant she had to sacrifice herself. After all, it was her own fault that Caius was in this predicament.

She was scared, yes. She had never thought about her own death before- she didn't think she had a need to for she was immortal. But now that she thought about it, there was bliss in dying- especially if it meant Caius had another chance at living.

Her best friend, Gabriel'swords etched themselves onto her mind; something he had said way too often- "The wise let fear school them yet never fool them, for then they are ever free to learn, to make better choices, to become heroes."

Gabriel, oh how she wished she could have seen him once last time. He was the only other person she would miss as much as Caius, and perhaps also the only other person who would miss her as much as Caius would.

Fate's words washed over her mind, thinking about what Caius would do if he woke up to her gone. But he had spent three millennium without her, so what was three more?

With a triumphant smile pulled on her lips, she opened the door to Caius' room once again, perhaps for the last time ever, only to find it more populated than she had left it as.

On one side of the bed, sat both Aro and Marcus- solemn, as if bidding goodbye to one third of their trio. "Forever and always" - promises the three had made to each other rung in their heads, ashamed of themselves for not doing well on their pledge, while Caius had always had.

He had always had their backs, protected them for any harm since the day the three had formed a brotherly bond. He was always the one to take up their fights, be it with other vampire covens, or with deadly creatures such as werewolves. That is why he was known as the ruthless king, the deadly one who was ever a part of each war.

But they had failed him. He had needed them just once in their life, and they were unable to do anything. Now he lay on his deathbed. Forever and always; what bullshit.

Behind the two brothers stood their loyal guards, hand clasped together in front of their torsos and broken looks on their faces as they waited for one of their masters to remove his roof of guidance from over their heads.

They all looked up from their stupor as Serenity entered the room, her eyes meeting with Marcus who gave her a small smile before she went over to the other side of the bed.

Her heart broke at seeing Caius lay so helpless on the bed, but she knew it wasn't for long as she knew what to do.

The others in the room were all watching wide eyes as Serenity muttered her goodbyes to Caius and called forces that she never knew were inside her. She caressed his cheek one last time, trying to memorise his face before she would close her eyes for the rest of her eternal slumber.

A bittersweet feeling took over her, as she knew she would die but for a good cause. She spent the next few moments trying to memorise every inch, every mole, every scar of Caius's that she would ever need in her eternal sleep.

She felt heavy teardrops sliding down her cheekbone as she pressed a soft kiss to his smooth forehead and whispered her undying love for the vampire and managed to whisper her life into his. No one knew how; not even her but she collapsed and fell in his arms, her head falling on his heart.

A sob shattered Jane, someone who had formed a motherly bond with the caring woman during her stay in the castle, as a smile grew on Serenity's lips.

It only grew for the last sound Serenity heard was a gasp for Caius' beautiful lips as life was breathed back into him.

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