19 | s a c r i f i c e

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"She is water;

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"She is water;

soft enough to offer life,

tough enough to drown it away."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY'S EYES WIDENED AND SHE GULPED as she heard of this new path they were about to take, but she did not hesitate for once when Fate extended her hand for Serenity to take.

In a second, the scenery around them had changed- from the pulchritude of heaven, to the grotesque hell. As she followed Fate past a huge iron gateway, Serenity could not help but look at her surroundings in disgust.

All around her, men and women alike, being tormented. Some dangled over hot burning fires, some tied up to poles, immobile while being whipped with inferno-like hot whips. Serenity wondered if sooner or later, the torture would lose its power over the victim for no matter how horrific the torture, the tormented soul would get inured to the suffering.

Not only was the location grim and vile, but the sounds as well were torturing. From hence she heard the groans of ghosts, the pains of sounding lashes and of dragging chains. The unrepentant being forced to, coerced into confessing their crimes, and the wails of agony as they were sent down to serve their karma. Serenity knew that if she was made to stay her for more than ten minutes, she would surely loose her sanity.

Turning her face away from the horrifics around her, her lips muttered out a little prayer, "May god bless their souls", before she fixated her eyes to the bricked path she was walking along with Fate.

The pair came to a stop in front of two gates, fashioned with black iron and balanced over two dark hinges. It seemed a little out of place with its modernity and as if reading her mind Fate spoke out, "Lachesis enjoys her luxury." She looked at Serenity with a side eye as the angel went to the open the gates, the coldness of the metal clashing with the hot atmosphere of the underworld, but welcome by Serenity's palms which were used to the cool winds of Heaven and Volterra alike.

"Word of advice, do not touch anything inside. We shall get out of here as soon as we can, I would not recommend staying for even a second more than necessary." Receiving a curt nod of acknowledgement from Serenity, Fate led them both inside the empty house.

The ignorant would have seen this as nothing but a house made of rock, but Serenity, Serenity saw it as a method of protecting one that she loved.

"Sister dearest." Serenity jumped slightly in shock as the now empty house was overcome with almost translucent smoke, a hooded figure shaping forming from the nebulous fog; thick and grey, yet alluring and repelling all at once.

The shape, Serenity realised was a woman. She watched snakes twist and slither up her legs, as if part of a graceful ballet and the angel was its audience. The lady extended one arm forward for the snakes to rest their head upon it, almost lovingly, while her other hand went to her head, pushing the hood back.

Serenity felt chills go up her spine, as the woman revealed the same exquisite eyes and the same azure hair as Fate herself, her doppelganger.

However, the way the woman held herself was a complete juxtaposition to Fate; her eyes although the same colour, held more bloodlust, more viciousness in them. Her hair, although the same silky blue, was tied up in a coveted up-do, adorned with sharp throwing knives in the form of a crown. Her lips, although the same blooming rose as Fate's, were parted in a wicked rictus.

Serenity's eyes dropped to the hand that had pushed back the hood as it took its rightful place besides Lachesis' waist once again, very much alike the hand that was currently rubbing her back and providing comfort. But just in looks. In reality, they were daunting and sinister, covered with scars and tightly clutching a pair of metal shears.

The woman, just like Fate, was beautiful but in her own twisted and eerie way.

The angel could not help but shiver in fright, as her raspy voice called out the same words again. "Sister dearest." She said in a sing-song voice, the light of her words washed away by the heaviness of the air. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Fate spoke out quickly whilst pointing at Serenity, "This is Serenity, and we believe you have made a mistake in measuring the life span of her soulmate." Pause. "Caius Volturi."

Lachesis turned her head towards the young angel, noticing her for the first time and Serenity was not at all comfortable with the intrusiveness her dark eyes brought. Serenity would have been elated if they had made it out of the place without the nerve-racking woman looking at her even once.

But unfortunately for Serenity, that was not the case, and Lachesis began walking towards her until chests of the two women were brushing slightly. As much as she wished to step away from the intimidating woman, Serenity did not want to anger her and so she stood her stance.

The dark mahogany sleeves of the dress she adorned fell back to her elbows as she picked up her hand to caress Serenity's cheek lightly. "Ah, yes. I know very well who she is. We have had the fortune of meeting beforehand."

Serenity was startled at this statement. Surely she would have remembered had she met someone like Lachesis. "We have?"

A child-like giggle escape her mouths, soon turning into something more sinister as she snapped her fingers and the same fog she had made her excuberant entrace with, enveloped her once again.

As the fog disappeared, standing in front of Serenity was not the same woman, but instead someone she had met before. "Jude..? You- you knew?" She whispered, remembering her as the curt receptionist from Hotel ReVamper.

It should have been obvious. The sinister smirks thrown her way, or the room number assigned to her- 666. For the devil. Of course.

"She's a smart one sister; I see why you chose her for someone like Caius Volturi." Lachesis said, while looking at her sister but once again she turned her gaze to the scared angel, "Now tell me, little girl, what do you want from me."

As Lachesis stepped back, once again in her original form, Serenity found her voice again and pushing the nerves aside, she uttered out in a strong voice, "I want you to bring him back."

"You want me to bring him back?" She repeated, and Serenity nodded her head repeatedly, little strands of hair coming undone from the flower headband she had donned earlier in the day.

At her nod of approval, the double grinned irksomely and sent Serenity a playful wink as she vanished again in the fog that she had appeared in, but not before giving her an answer.

"Remember, little girl, for every life we try to save, another one has to pay for it."

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