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"So lock the doorand throw out the keycan't fight this no moreit's just you and me

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"So lock the door
and throw out the key
can't fight this no more
it's just you and me."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

THE CONFESSION HAD SERENITY’S HEART fluttering around like a mad butterfly. Her cheeks coloured pink as she looked down at her hands sitting comfortably on her lap. What Caius had said, rendered her so flustered she didn’t know what to reply.

But she didn’t need to as Caius spoke up, “Wait right here, okay? I’ll be back.”

He got up from their sitting position with no difficulty, and effortlessly glided away from her with his back facing Serenity. She watched his retreating figure until it was away from her line of sight, when she turned once again to look at the mesmerizing view in front of her.

But this time around, the view had no effect on her whatsoever. How would it when the only thing in her mind was why Caius had so hurriedly walked away from her not even a minute after indirectly confessing his love. 

Worry began to eat her insides as Serenity thought back to all that she had done and said. She couldn’t remember doing anything that would have prompted Caius to run away from her. Or had she?

But before Serenity had the opportunity to question herself further, Caius showed up like her ever saving grace. Serenity raised an eyebrow towards his hands that were hidden behind his athletic frame, “What do you have in your hands?”

The vampire said nothing in return, only sitting back down in the place previously occupied by himself. This time, however, he sat facing Serenity. After all, in his eyes, the view could hold not even a candle to the beauty of the girl.

Hey! Don’t do this to me.. tell me what you have in your hands!”  Serenity said while trying to peek around his body to the object held between his hands.

Caius chuckled at the child like antics of the grown woman and relented. “Fine, here you go.”  He finally pulled his hands from behind his back and held the object out for Serenity to see.

Serenity could not help but release a gasp at the bouquet in Caius’ hands. The bouquet had been made out of the flowers that grew around them, in this meadow itself. There was a plethora of colours, yet it was so delicately arranged that Serenity could not draw her eyes away from it.

For me?” Serenity asked with hope in her voice.

Caius smiled at the doe-eyed innocent beauty sitting in front of her. “Of course. I couldn’t dream of giving them to anybody else.”

Upon hearing him say that, a smile blossomed on Serenity’s face as she extended her hand to allow Caius to place the bouquet in them.

But instead of putting the bouquet in her outstretched hand, he used his other hand and held her hand, manoeuvring it to his nose. As he inhaled her scent deeply, Serenity couldn’t help but notice how his burgundy eyes turned obsidian.

But it wasn’t that what made her heart beat faster, it was instead the close proximity of the two. Hearing the change, Caius tilted his head up to meet her eyes and let out a smirk. Maintaining eye contact, he turned her hand over and placed a light kiss on it before using his other hand to put the bouquet in its rightful place.

Serenity could finally take a proper glance at the bouquet in her hands. White flowers occupied the edges of the bouquet, encompassing between them pastel pink carnations. In the middle sat one red rose in such elegance and control, as if it was the king of all flowers.

Breaking Serenity out of her admiration, Caius pointed to the white flowers at the edges and said, “That one is called the Calla Lily. It reminds me of you.”

Serenity raised an eyebrow at the man, “How so?”

“The flower was used in ancient China by young men who wished to court a lady. It is a symbol of appreciating the receiver’s magnificence and beauty.” Serenity blushed at his words but he didn’t stop there. “The white colour furthermore, represents innocence and purity. The two things that I see in you the most.”

Shaking off the giddiness that was embracing her heart, Serenity asked, “What about the carnations? What do they symbolise?”

Caius let out a gentle smile at her curiosity before continuing, “Pastel carnations are a symbol of admiration. I thought it made sense to include them considering I cannot help but be entranced by you and the aura that surrounds you.”

Serenity laughed lightly before nudging the man sitting next to her with her shoulder, “You, sir, are such a flatterer.”

“I don’t think it qualifies as flattering, if all I am doing is merely stating the truth.”  Caius rolled his eyes good naturedly. “The red rose, it’s my favourite flower.”

“Ah, a classic choice. You like to play it safe, I see” Serenity said in an attempt to tease the vampire.

Can you blame me? I just think it symbolises such a true, raw love and that’s what draws me to it.”

Serenity gave him a small nod of understanding before she turned back to face the view. It was almost nearing sunrise and Serenity could not help but wonder how fast the time had flown with Caius. It had easily been 5 hours since she landed again on Volterra and found Caius waiting for her, but it felt no more than a few minutes.

You seem to know a lot about flowers, Caius.”

“Well, yes. When you have as much time on your hand as I do, you quickly run out of things to do. I remember spending so many days and nights when I was first turned without a thing to do, and that’s when I decided to learn and develop new talents, hone already existing skills.”

Caius’ demeanour changed while he was talking about his life, and Serenity placed her hand on his shoulder to provide a means of comfort. He sent her a small smile in return, aware that the girl didn’t know the true reason to his discomposure. It was not due to the face that he wasn’t comfortable talking about his past life, but rather due to the reaction he would receive from Serenity after she hears about his troublesome and violent past.

It was a good thing, no? Your knowledge of flowers came in handy in the pursuit of impressing me.”

“Oh please, I don’t need to impress you. You love me really.”

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙chapter 12 fin*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

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