21 | m e m o r i e s

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"If I were the moon,

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"If I were the moon,

I would want you to be 

my night."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

WHEN SERENITY WOKE UP again, she thought she would be in the after life, but instead she woke up in the arms of Caius, who was stroking her hair in adoration whilst talking to his two soul brothers that sat next to each other on the lavish bed opposite to her.

Facing away from the angel, he did not realise she had woken up until she shifted in his arms. His wide grin was met with her confused stares as she pulled away from his arms and sat next to him on the bed with her legs crossed.

Caius' hand went over her thigh, to hold her close to him as her eyes darted to the other Volturi kings with the same confusion he had been graced with. "I am never leaving you alone again, even for a minute for you make such forlorn decisions."

Serenity turned her face to look into his beautiful crimson eyes once again, "What's happening, Caius. I am so confused."

"I know my dear, but first I must lecture you on your rashness. Trying to sacrifice your life for mine?" His doting look changed into an unimpressed one, and although his words were spoken in a light manner, there was a lot of underlying anger beneath them.

Serenity looked at him form under her lashes and questioned innocently, "Would you not have done the same for me, Caius?"

Caius stuttered at her surprising statement, but let out a hearty chuckle. He had forgotten how witty the angel could be after spending a few days apart. "Yes. Yes, I would have, without a second though. But you leave the acts of heroism to me, alright?"

The other two kings were still in the room, although aware of how intrusive they were being, they couldn't bring themselves to leave their brother again after just getting him a few hours ago. They smiled at the pair's banter dotingly, not only due to the fact they had their brother back, but also because the couple were perfect were for each other.

"So, are you going to tell me how we're both alive?"

Marcus was the one to reply to Serenity's question this time. "You remember during our first meeting when I told you about soul mates, I also told you about special powers that some vampires possess?" Serenity nodded, she remembered that day vividly, as if it just happened yesterday.

Aro took over, "Well turns out, Caius here has the power to be reincarnated." He let out little strings of giggles as he clapped his hand in sheer excitedness. "Brilliant, isn't it?"

Serenity turned to Caius with awe in her eyes and he continued. "When I was "dead"" He said whilst making air quotations on the word dead, noticing how the beauty beside him tensed at his ignorant use of the word. "I had this dream. It was- weird, in a sense. Just pictures flashing by, a phoenix, fire, ash. Very trippy if you ask me."

Serenity laughed at his attempt to be funny. "It didn't make much sense, until I remembered this story my mother would tell me after every beating from my father."

Serenity went rigid once again; she did not know Caius had been through this much in his adoloscence. As she looked over to see if the other two kings knew of this, she noticed they were in the room no more. They must have left earlier, she thought.

Caius took both of her hands in his and started rubbing circles on the inside of her palm with his thumb as he continued, "Every time my father would leave me bloodied, broken and in pain, my mother would come up to me with a wet rag to wipe off the blood and my favourite soup. She would always tell me the story of the birth of a phoenix, and its reincarnation. It gave me strength to continue, it felt as if every time I fully healed was my reincarnation as the young, joyful boy that I could be without my father."

Serenity broke down in tears and hugged Caius, her head on his shoulders as she muttered apologies in his ear.

He pulled her away to be see her face, "Don't apologize, it was centuries ago; I don't even remember much now. They say that a vampire's abilities indirectly come from their human lives, so I guess all those beating were not for nothing as they allow me to be with you here right now."

"And trust me, my love, I have never been happier." Seeing the stupid smirk break out on his lips, Serenity could not help but reciprocate.

She chuckled merrily, "God, I love you so much Caius."

If possible, a bigger smile took over Caius' face as he leaned in to capture her lips with his own. "As do I, my lovely Serenity."


Oh my fricking god, I never thought I would get this far, but Angel is finally complete! More than one year of hard work and constant writing, and the chapter of Serenity and Caius finally comes to an end. They've both been through so much, I'm happy to let them rest for a while. 

I don't even know how to put this in words but I just want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of my viewers. Thank you for taking time out to read this book, thank you for commenting and liking, thank you for giving so much love to Serenity and Caius. Thank you for everything. 

I started this book with the hopes of getting like 1k views but you guys just exceeded all of it. I'm ending this book with almost 70k views and I will be eternally grateful.

Let me know what you thought of Angel in the comments, and also if you would like to see bonus chapters? Just like cute interactions between Serenity and Caius, things that are not really relevant to the story but shows their relationship in depth.

Also, if you enjoyed reading my writing, I am pleased to inform I have a two unique ideas for books which I will get into writing as soon as I am done with my final exams. So keep an eye out for those! However, they won't be Twilight fanfictions, but instead Harry Potter ones. 

Angel ━ Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now