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"Oh darling,what a plot twist you are

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"Oh darling,
what a plot twist you are."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

FELIX SOON CAME TO A STOP in front of a set of majestic doors and even before Serenity could question anything, the heavy iron bound doors swung open. She peaked around the bulky body of the man to observe the room. She found the setting to be eerily familiar- it was a throne room. The layout similar to the one she visited only yesterday- Fate's. The atmosphere, however, was entirely different.

This room was much darker and followed a red and black colour scheme, as opposed to the previous one which was white and gold. The room had an overpowering smell as well, one that was almost clinical as if someone had just used the strongest bleach to clean the floors. The biggest difference however, was instead of one throne, this room held three thrones- each one occupied by a different man.

As Serenity looked at the three rulers, she found their characteristics to be uncannily similar to each other. They all were owners of skin so pale that it looked almost translucent, with a bloodless hue, reminding Serenity of some cave dwelling creature that never saw the light of the day. Their eyes had her sucking in a deep breath through a nose, although she had seen the red on Felix before, she could never get used to seeing people with red eyes. It was just so unnatural.

Felix took her by the elbow and lead her inside as she let her eyes rake over to the King sitting on the leftmost throne, and found their eyes making contact- he had already been looking at her. The intensity of his stare made Serenity shiver unconsciously, a new feeling slowly began to devour her insides and made her feel a feeling she had never felt before. She couldn't place a finger on what it was, just that there was a certain pull, an energy that was drawing her towards the white haired king. It was an unfamiliar feeling for her, but stranger was the fact that the Vampire was feeling the same thing as he watched a member of his guard unit bring in a 'mortal'.

There was something about her, something different, something that drew him into her, something that made him want to know her. She made the impossible happen. She made him want to live.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here Felix?" Serenity was pulled out of her thoughts and she slightly turned her head to the speaker, the king who sat upon the middle throne, seeming to be the ruler of the rulers.

"Her name is Serenity, my Majesty and I found her roaming around our premises." Felix answered with a little bow, to show repect for his masters.

"What do you wish to accomplish here?" The speaker this time was the king on the right and Serenity merely wondered when she would be able to hear the third ruler's voice.

"There has been a lot of disappearances in Volterra. You would not know anything about that now, would you?" Serenity returned with a question of her own. She wanted to be out of this place as quick as she could- first it was because of fear of the red-eyed men around her, but now it was because of fear of the feelings that seemed to be blossoming for one of those red-eyed men.

"What are you, a detective?" The middle men scoffed lightly at his own words.

"Something like that."

"Give me your hand, and then I will answer your all your questions, my dear. I just want to ensure that your intentions are as pure as your looks." He said while getting out of his throne and walking towards Serenity. She realised it took him barely a second before he was standing in front of the girl, his hand outstretched.

Serenity quickly took a step back and retaliated, "I hardly think it is appropriate for a king like yourself to be touching an unmarried woman on the first meeting. I think it might be your intentions that I have to be wary of."

Aro laughed lightly before once again gesturing at his outstretched hand. Before Serenity could think of how to get out of the sticky situation, the third voice spoke out. "Leave her, Aro."

The voice seemed like music to Serenity's ears, maybe because he acted as her saving grace, or maybe because there was a completely different reason.

All eyes turned towards the ruler who spoke, Caius. It was very uncharacteristic of him to say something like that. Caius, the ruthless leader, the one who in a normal situation would have quickly punished the intruder.

As Marcus, the leader sat on the rightmost throne, looked between Serenity and Caius, the fluttering gold ribbon between them gave him the epiphany he needed to understand the situation.

Caius, on the other hand, hated himself for saying that. He hated that she brought out feelings in him- made his dead heart beat. He was enraged. He was not supposed to have feelings, he was not supposed to care about a woman he had met meagre minutes ago. He was the uncaring king, the one without emotions, the one who gave no mercy, yet he bent his rules for her. Her, a woman with the beauty of a goddess, and the attitude of an angel.

Aro silently obeyed his brother's command as he walked back to his throne.

"My dear, we do not know anything about the missing people you brought up. You should head back home, take one of my guards if you wish, they will safely drop you back to your destination." Marcus spoke out in a much softer tone, knowing things that others didn't. Yet.

"You're right, I must get going. Thank you for being so accommodating but I will be fine walking on my own. Have a good night." Giving a little courtesy to the kings in front of her, Serenity turned around and walked right out of the doors she had walked in minutes ago.

Caius watched her retreating figure. She was strong, defiant, and beautiful. She was perfect to Caius, and he hated it.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙chapter four fin˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Woohoo my babies finally met! This chapter is on the much longer side, and I was going to reserve the meeting for the next chapter, but I couldn't do it.. not anymore. I wanted them to finally meet!!

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