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"There are as many kinds of loveas there are raindrops,and as many ways to fall

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"There are as many
kinds of love
as there are raindrops,
and as many ways to fall."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SILVERY FLAKES WERE DRIFTING DOWN, glittering in the bright light of the harvest moon. The weather frosty and the snow glittering like white sequins lying all over the floor; it truly was a view to behold. Breath pale against the numbing air, Serenity blinked thoughtfully as the frost peacefully kissed her face, captivated by the soft illusions of light that set heavy on her eyelashes. She adored the snow, more so when it was falling.

A comfortable breeze picked up, caressing Serenity's face and softly blowing loose strands of her hair in its own direction, as if wanting to touch her flowing golden hair for itself. She inhaled the pure air of the clouds, letting her eyelids close as relaxation took its place on her face.

But such a peaceful sound of silence is meant to be broken, and it was. It was broken when Serenity heard the crunching of snow beneath light footsteps. Turning around to face her intruder- one that broke her away from such a serene moment- she recognized him as Gabriel, the angelic messenger and a good friend of hers.

"Join me." She said to the blonde haired male. He let out an incredulous laugh.

"You know that's not what I'm here for." Nevertheless, he pulled in his majestic white and gold wings and sat next to her, their shoulders lightly brushing.

Serenity watched the actions of his wings in awe. She didn't have wings. Not yet, anyways. You could describe the system of heaven to be one of ranking. Your position, the respect you received, and of course- the colour of your wings, depended on the experience you had, and experience was accumulated by the quests you went on.

Serenity was a fairly young angel, hence the reason why she had no wings. As desperately as she wanted to be bestowed by her own pair of wings, she never worried about them. After all, she had an eternity to work her way up.

A voice broke her out of her thoughts. "Fate wants to see you." Gabriel let out.

"E-Excuse me?"

That was bad news. Fate was cruel, as cruel as death itself. The heavy handed woman held onto throats so tight that even one minor mistake could suffocate the air out of them. Yet, Serenity figured that at least Fate would get tired of suffocating, that her clutches would numb. After all, Love was like that- when it got in its strongest, it always weakened and eventually let go. Even so, Love was powerful, but Fate, Fate was unstoppable.

"Why does she want to see me, Gabriel?" Serenity questioned the angel next to her.

"Come with me and you shall find out, love."

Gabriel got up onto his feet in one quick, swift moment, holding out his hand for Serenity to take. Putting her hand in his firm grasp, she effortlessly helped herself up. Moving his hand down to the small of waist, he ordered her to hold tight as he pulled out his wings and slowly levitated the pair off the ground.

The feeling was exhilarating, however many times Serenity took this mode of transportation, she still could not get used to the adrenaline. She couldnt help but imagine what it would be like when she got her own set of wings- when she could make this flight on one whim, one command.

The two angels made their way past countless meadows and parks, with younger versions of their own species running around without a care in the world, their parents watching with a proud smile on her face. Serenity hoped that one day she would be a part of such a beautiful scene, making memorable moments with her own family.

Her train of thoughts were broken as they stopped in front of an enormous castle. It was bold on the white of the snow beyond. It stood there as if conjured straight out of the storybook of a child. Every stone was even and square from afar, but up close, a mosaic of precious earthly diamonds. Together, they formed the castle, the crown of the landscape and protector of her kind.

But they say never to judge a book by its cover because what was held inside the enigmatic castle was -in simple words- horrendous.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙chapter one fin.˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

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