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"maybe,when we're ready,we'll meet again,my love

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when we're ready,
we'll meet again,
my love."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

SERENITY WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM with the excuse of going back home. But that's all it was- an excuse. In reality, she had no plans of leaving without completing the quest she had been sent on. And now, she was sure that this was the place which held her answers.

The people in this museum, and their actions, were way too unusual for Serenity to not be suspicious of those around her. Although, she wanted to give them the benefit of doubt- for she didn't believe that someone as beautiful and forgiving as the man she had seen could be involved in such activities- she couldn't. She couldn't give them the benefit of doubt when she had seen the hordes of people come in the museum only to disappear.

Serenity came out of her train of thoughts as she remembered the crowd she had come into this museum with. She figured that the answers she needed to get a lead on her investigation lied with the people, or rather in the place said people were being lead to. And so she started walking around in pursuit of finding the group of tourists once again.

Walking around, Serenity realised something she had not really paid attention to before. The museum was eerily dark and cold. The enormous walls of the building rose out of the darkness, out of the silent charcoal curtain that is the night which covered the beautiful city of Volterra. In the absence of flaming torches to light the way, the cold damp air wrapped around her like a heavy coat of chain mail as she walked on. She let out a bitter laugh at how much walking she had done in one single day.

The scene around her almost reminded Serenity of a horror movie. Remembering how frustrated she would get with the characters that knowingly walked into dark, abandoned buildings, she let out a chuckle. She was doing the exact same thing, and if she had been watching this movie-instead of being a part of it in flesh- she would definitely be cursing at the stupid main character.

A click brought Serenity out of her thoughts and she quickly hurried in the direction she thought the sound came. At first the darkness of the museum must have deceived her, or else her eyes were confused and imagining the recent flash that accompanied the click. Putting two and two together, Serenity figured that it must be one of the tourists taking pictures, and she rushed towards the source. She breathed out it relief when she realised she had finally caught up to the group of people.

Not wanting to be caught in midst of those people as she had on the way to the museum, she took to silently following them. She heard hushed whispers coming from the front of the group, and leaned in from the shadows to hear what was going on. She realised that out of the two men who were talking one was the person she had seen earlier, the person she had thought to be the tourist guide.

"It's time. The masters are waiting." The 'guide' said to his companion who she figured must have met him in the museum itself.

To say Serenity was confused by that statement would be an understatement but she had no time to ponder on what the man meant before the tourists were being quickly ushered out of the room. She felt her breath getting faster, her hands getting sweating, and the blood quickly rushing to her head. This was the moment she had been waiting for, the moment she would get her answers, the moment she would be able to back to her safe haven and acclaim her wings.

But for some reason she was scared of what she would find, scared of what the answers will entail for her upcoming future.

But this moment was one of a kind, a do or die. Serenity made up her mind fiercely in that moment- she was not going to die, she was going to do.

Following the people, for what seemed like the hundredth time today, she made sure she was guarded by the shadows. It would do no good for anyone to see her here at this time. Sure, the kings, or king rather, had been lenient the first time around, letting her go and not punishing her for breaking into the premises. But she wasn't sure if they would be too happy to see her loitering a second time.

The people were roughly brought to a stop in front of the same doors that Serenity had stood before with Felix earlier today.

The man she had heard talking before turned to the group and plastered a large smile on his face as he spoke out. "The next room that we'll be seeing is the throne room. The place where the three renowned kings of Volterra sit and rule over the country. They are waiting for you inside, so please refrain from taking any pictures." This kind of threw Serenity out of the track, the man was truly acting like a tour guide.

He gestured his friend to open the doors, and as the other man put his hands on the handle, the guide addressed the audience once again. "This will probably be best moment of your life. Ever." With the true meaning of his words lost on the tourists, they began to excitedly talk amongst themselves, excited to see royalty and experience a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The door was promptly opened by the other man who was yet to say anything and the people were silenced and sent inside.

Serenity ensured that the coast was clear for her to come out of her hiding spot, and she made her way to the huge iron doors in quick but silent steps. She peeked through the slither opening that had been unconsciously left while shutting the doors.

As Serenity absorbed the scene in front of her, she turned white as chalk. Her eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, and she let out a short gasp. The tourists lay dead on the floor with eyes wide open, but a gaunt expression as if they had been drained of everything in their bodies.

Serenity watched the platinum white haired man she remembered as Caius, hold his mouth over the neck of a woman who seemed to be dying by every passing second. He flung her aside once he was done and as Serenity saw him wipe the blood from his mouth, realization dawned upon her. Realization of what he was, what they all were. Vampires.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ chapter five fin*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Back to back two chapter for y'all in one day! I feel like I'm getting very invested in this story, and the pairing ughh I love them!

Alsoo, I just wanted to share something that I was proud of. The first chapter I published of 'Angel' was somewhere around 700 words, and this chapter, the fifth one is just shy of 1200 words. That's writer growth, right?

Angel ━ Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now