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Sakura frowned slightly the next day, her mind racing from the events that had taken place over the past few days. "Kakashi-sensei are you sure it's okay to leave Naruto here while we go to the bridge?" 

Kakashi gave his female student a closed-eyed smile, "He used up most of his chakra so he needs to rest up. Tomorrow if his chakra is restored he can join us at the bridge after all both Sasuke and Naruto completed their training." Kakashi said while inwardly voicing his real opinion if there is a tomorrow. If he was up to par with his usual strength, then that meant Zabuza would strike tomorrow at the very latest. 

He then frowned, wondering where Winter had gone. It had been two days since Inari had triggered her abrupt and intriguing reaction. Arriving at the bridge he pushed all those thoughts to the back of his mind as he saw the mist start to roll in over the knocked out bodies of the bridge workers.

His visible eye narrowed as Zabuza slowly sauntered over with the tracker nin right behind him. "Oh? That one is still shaking, and where is that black haired girl? I have a score to settle with her." With a few hand signs, the group was surrounded by clones of the rogue ninja.

"Sasuke, go for it," Kakashi smirked slightly when his student quickly dispatched the water clones. 

"Ah, so he can determine the difference between the clones." Zabuza grins a predators grin at Sasuke. 

"Impressive, even though those clones only have 1/10th of the original power of the caster you still managed to make it seem like nothing." The hunter-nin commented softly. 

"Who do you think you are, hiding behind some mask?" Sasuke commented loftily. 

"Looks like you may have some competition.... Haku."


Winter sighed walking back to Tsunami's house. She had been gone for almost three days and most likely Kakashi was wondering where she was. Her head darted to the left, "What the..." She muttered. Tree branches were broken off, scratches littered the trees and a boar laid dead all showing a clear-cut path. Her eyes narrowed, "Tsunami." 

The young girl started sprinting towards the house. Up ahead she could make out two men and an unconscious woman. A small boy confronted the two and Winter cursed. "What does that brat think he is doing?" Out of nowhere, an orange blob appeared saving Inari. A smirk settled on Winter's face, "At least he has good timing." Lunging out of the woods and with a few swipes of her katanas, Winter heard the two men fall unconscious. 

"Winter!" Naruto yelled, adrenaline coursing through his body.

Standing up straight Winter fixated her gaze on Inari, "That was very stupid of you, and also very brave. Be more careful next time." Inari nodded still shocked by the arrival of the girl that had disappeared. "Naruto le-" Winter was cut off when several bursts of chakra reached her. Her breath hitched, her traps had been set off. That meant one thing only. "Naruto go to the bridge and help the others, I have to check on something. Inari help your mother get feeling better and find some sort of weapon to protect you two, wait here take this." Winter grabbed a specially made sai blade that was pitch black from her pouch. "While light, it is also very sharp so be careful." Handing it to him handle first Winter straightened up, more bursts of chakra reached her. 

"Naruto go now!" She commanded before flicking her scarlet cloak out of her way.

Naruto nodded and headed off towards the bridge. Winter bent her knees slightly knowing that there was no doubt about it now, rogue ninja were advancing towards the bridge as well. Visible chakra emitted from her feet as she pushed off, sprinting to intercept the rogue nin. The trees were nothing but a green haze. 

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