Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Determination

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Warning : there is some kinda violent scenes in this chapter (mainly just bloody stuff)

~Chapter Twenty-Eight~

Sakura tucked her hair underneath the red cloak Winter had given her on that cold mountain, trying to best to blend into the darkness as night falls over the quiet village. The air chilled and her breath rose in soft clouds as she crept around looking for any clues as to where her friend could be.

Ducking into an alleyway she holds her breath as a pair of guards walks by talking. "Where did that new prisoner go?" "You mean the one singing that creepy song? I heard they moved her to a base at the bottom of the Seventh Mountain." The two shiver, "That place isn't natural and Lady Hakuei thinks she can somehow control it? Plus won't this be an open declaration of war against the Leaf since we took one of their Genin?" The other guard hushes him, "That's considered treason you know, keep your thoughts to yourself!" Their hushed voices fade as they walk away.

Sakura let out her breath, now having a rough idea of where to head. Sneaking along the edges of the village she manages to make into the forest as it turns midnight. The forest was pitch black and filled with sounds of animals making her nervous. She jumped up and started running, her eyes searching for any sign of a base.

The closer she got to the bottom of the huge, towering mountain the thicker the trees grew until they abruptly stopped about fifteen feet away leaving a ring of nothing but grass around the mountain. Even this far away Sakura could taste the electricity in the air making her shift nervously. Crouching down near the top of a tree she narrows her eyes as she struggles to see through the darkness, just barely able to make out the faint shapes of people moving around stealthily.

Her hands shook slightly as her nerves rose once again, how was she of all people supposed to pull this off? She might be smart but Sakura knew she wasn't that strong. However... her hands curled into fists as determination flared in her eyes, she wasn't going to fail. She couldn't afford to think about failing.

"Hey Sakura?" "Yeah?" "Don't fall into her trap, Misaki's. You may not realize it but you have the potential of becoming a great kunoichi, maybe even becoming stronger than me. You just have to find your drive, your passion and pursue it. Find something that will make you stronger, because I believe that you can do something great with your life."

Winter, she believes in me. In fact she's the first person to believe that I have to chance to do something great, just like Naruto and Sasuke. Her jaw clenched and she shoved any bit of doubt, nervousness and fear she had into the back of her mind. I won't fail... not now, not ever!

Jumping down from her tree she landed on the back of one of the black clad men, knocking him out quickly. Adrenaline rushed through her veins making everything seem sharper, clearer and slower.

Dashing around the young ninja tries to best to take out as many guards as she can, but sheer determination can only get on so far when going up against experienced mercenaries. She winced as sharp kunai sliced through the air, hitting her. She did the best the could, using the jutsus she knew and using the best strategy she could to keep up with the fight

Blood dripped down her cheek as she stared at the emotionless men standing before her, guarding an underground entrance. Even outside faint sounds could be heard that made Sakura's blood boil with anger. Her hand clenched into a fist as her head band clatter the ground from the kunai whizzing about. "You... you..."

If there was one thing to be wary about, it was Sakura when she got angry.

"You assholes!" She screeches dashing forward and punching one in the gut, sending him flying off. Her eyes blazed with anger and she seemed to become a completely different person than the meidcore skilled ninja seconds ago.

Her muscles were tensed with anger, her hair flying about as she launches herself at one blood dripping down the side of her face. She was sent flying back into the ground with a loud crash, dirt flying up. Her legs shook as she stood up and she wiped her mouth, her pale skin stained with the scarlet color of blood.

Swaying slightly Sakura takes a deep breath, her eyes narrowing in on the entrance. I... I just have to get inside... Dashing forward she grunts as a kunai impales her shoulder, her left arm feeling like lead. Her eyes drooped and a bolt of panic shot through her. NO! I have to stay awake. I can do this.

Taking a deep breath Sakura got into an offensive position, her eyes narrowing. Her heartbeat was out of control, and she was starting to feel dizzy from blood loss. Yet she didn't, no she couldn't, give up. She couldn't count on the others coming to save her, they were probably halfway to the Leaf Village by now.

Running she throws several kunai with as much accuracy as she can manage, a few sinking into her targets. Feeling a boost of confidence she reaches out, her fingers touching the metal handle to the door. Her eyes widen and she allows a small grin to slip onto her face, a grin that soon disappears as a hand grips onto her short hair slamming her into the metal wall.

She cried out in pain, her bones aching as her eyes water. A male assassin grins wickedly, tracing a sharp black knife against her throat. "Nice try girlie, but this is the end of the line for you." Her back is pressed against the hard metal, her body lifted a few inches off the ground as she kicks weakly.

He raises the knife and she can't help the whimper that escapes her lips, she wasn't going to escape this. She wanted to close her eyes yet they felt glued open in fear. The knife gleamed and sliced down through the air making her cringe back, her eyes finally closing as she accepted her end.

I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough...


The girl's hands were shackled above her, her head hanging limply as she stared at nothing in particular. Her lips were cracked and dry, her face drained of any color. Black bars encircled her making a wicked looking cage, a mockery of her clan's name. "A cage for a beast." The woman had said in a mocking voice, her eyes alight with amusement.

"Mother, I have news." The heavy silence that had been building for several hours was shattered by the smooth voice. "Ah my darling Misaki." The aforementioned teenager strode forward, glancing at the nonresponsive form of Winter. "One of the Leaf ninja is attempting to rescue this... thing." Hakuei's lips curl into a frown, "Oh? Which one?"

"She's not a threat, just a low Genin with pink hair and a loud mouth."

Winter's eye snapped open, her hair covering the sudden movement. Hakuei waves her hand dismissively, "Inform them to take out the trash dear. I have no use for something like her." The teenage bows in consent and walks away.

Hakuei walks up to the cage, trailing her long nails over the bars making a rattling noise. "Now now little beast, why don't we try this again?" She looks haughtily at the young girl, "Where is Arashi Peak?"

Winter is silent for a moment before lifting her head slowly, her visible eye ice cold. She slowly opens her mouth and Hakuei grins. "Yes, that's it just tell me." Winter licks her chapped lips and takes a deep breath before grinning crookedly.

"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady. Take a key and lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. Take a key and lock her up, my fair lady."

Hakuei's face turns murderous as Winter starts to sing, "Don't you dare start singing that wretched song again girl!" Winter smirks her voice hollow and dead sounding as she continues, "Build it up with pin and needles, pin and needles, pin and needles. Build it up with pin and needles my fair lady."

Hakuei lets out a screech, "Shut up!" Winter tilts her head to the side her mouth opening again when the door bangs open, a dragging sound heard. Whatever words she was going to sing died on her lips as she stared at her teammate being carelessly drug across the floor, her eyes glazed over and lifeless.

Time seemed to stop for Winter as she stared at the pink haired girl, shocked to her very core as images flash through her mind. Her arms start to shake, her head hanging low once more. Soon her entire body is shaking, with fury or sadness no one could tell. Without warning she started pulling at the black chains encircling her wrists, a shudder wracking through her body.

Then she threw back her head... and screamed.

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