Chapter Twenty ~ Sleeping Caps & T-Shirts

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~Chapter Twenty~

Even though two weeks had past, Winter still woke up with a start and felt a spike of fear each time she realized all she could see was darkness. Her training wasn't as intense as it was when she could see, in fact in the past thirty-six hours Winter had managed to run into three trees, four lamp posts, and a slightly amused Kakashi not to mention the random girl at the market place. In short her life was extremely different. She hated it, she hated the pitying whispers that followed her, the people who treated her different just because she couldn't see. One of the worst parts was she had hit a figurative wall, for some reason the black and white images were starting to come back fuzzy and distorted.

But most of all she was angry, she wouldn't be able to defeat Ragia in she state she was in presently. She would never be able to let Riku and Ryu's spirits rest. So one night in a fit of frustration and anger Winter ended up throwing plates at her wall. There was something extremely satisfying with each shattering noise made, the solid crack that the plates would make if she threw it hard enough.

She didn't pay attention to the glass shards flying through the air, didn't care about her hands that bled from gripping plates so hard they broke before she threw them. All she cared about was releasing her pent up emotions, and sense she couldn't train the way she would usually this became the next best thing... until she ran out of ammo. So she moved onto the ceramic mugs, glass cups and even a small vase.

One good thing about living near the edge of Kohona was that their were no neighbors to check in on her, so she was free to do what she wanted. But, there was always a knuckle headed ninja that would show up at the most random times, like now.

"Hey Win- woah what happened to your plates?!" Naruto's voice rang out in the cabin. "I broke them." She stated simply, like it was a common thing to do. "Why?" "I was angry." Naruto sighs softly and carefully makes his way through the glass covered living room and sits down next to her. "Winter?" She jumps slightly and turns her head to him, the thick bandages wrapped around her eyes. "Yes?"

"You're my friend right?" She nods, "I did say that." Naruto grins recklessly, "Well then as my duty for being your friend I demand you go get dressed and then come with me!" She frowns slightly, "Do I have to?" He nods violently while saying, "YES!" Grumbling Winter stumbled into her room coming out in a loose shirt and a pair of shirts. "Perfect!" Naruto grabs her hand and runs out, Winter struggling for a moment to regain her balance. Naruto leads her through the busy streets of Konoha, shouting sorrys to anyone the duo bump into.

Winter trips several times but Naruto is always there to steady her. "Where are we going?" She shouts to the enthusiastic boy who hasn't slowed down once, "It's a surprise!" He screams back keeping a firm grasp on her hand.

On a roof of a nearby house two ninja converse quietly, watching the two. "Do you think she knows?" One whispers to the other, "I don't think she even remembers what today is." The other figure whispers back. "I'm surprised that loser managed to get her out of her house." A new ninja jumps up and lands next to the others. "Ah, is everything set up?" The lazy voice asks, flipping to a new page in his book. "Hn." "I'm going to take that as a yes." The lazy voice says, not at all deterred by the short answer.


Naruto grinned skidding to a stop and making Winter run into his back, "Oh, sorry Winter!" He shouts starting to jump in excitement. "It's alright Naruto." She says, rubbing her nose slightly. Naruto then leads her into a building, pretty empty from what she could tell. He leads her up the slightly rickety stairs and grins before opening the door to his apartment. "Happy birthday!" Several voice chorus together happily.

She tilts her head to the side, "Wait... today's my birthday?!" Laughter rung out and Inazuma elbowed Kakashi grinning. "It sure is, believe it! Inazuma told us and we gathered up some people you know! Like Rock Lee, Neji, Tenten, Sakura, me, Kakashi-sensei and even Sasuke helped!"

"Oh really?" She tilts her head looking in the direction of the raven haired boy, "Hn." He mutters stuffing his hands in his pockets. "And Pervy Sage ended up showing up as well!" "He wouldn't shut up about you, something about kicking ass?" A new voice joins the mix, an older mans. "Wait... Jiraiya?" Winter questions, "As in the sannin?" "The one and only!" He says starting to go on some rant. "Anyways, I want you to open my present first! And I'll help describe all the presents to you!" Naruto says enthusiastically.

"Alright." Naruto makes her sit on the couch and shoves a present into the girl's hands. She carefully opens it and reaches inside feeling soft fabric and button eyes. "It's a sleeping cap, just like mine! I remember you told me or someone you couldn't sleep well so I got you one to help you sleep! Put it on!" Naruto says happily, Winter feeling the black fabric before setting it up on her head. "Like this?" She questions softly. "Yep! Hey now we're twins." Naruto says grinning boldly, "Isn't that great?" She nods her head, the sleeping cap being slightly big and slipping forward a bit.

"Adorable!" Inazuma says cooing at the girl who huffs slightly. "Here's mine." Kakashi presses several objects into her hands. "I noticed your summonings didn't have Leaf headbands and got some to look like yours." She thanks him, smiling slightly. Lee gives her a spandex suit like his which she gingerly takes pretty sure she was going to burn it later anyways. Tenten gave her new polishing clothes and sharpening stones while Neji gave her something that surprised everyone... a pair of pure black opal studs.

Sakura, unsure of what to give the intimidating girl, simply gave her a basket filled with some body wash and ninja tools. Inazuma went next giving her student a small package. Winter didn't open it, knowing what it was. The two hugged and Winter slipped the package into her pocket. Sasuke went last, hesitating before walking forward. He frowned deeply at all the gathered people before placing the simply wrapped box in her lap.

She slowly opens it, reaching down in and feeling around. She gently picks up the shirt, feeling the pattern sewn into the breast pocket. It was a dark navy blue and the others watched with confusion as she smiles sadly, her bandages getting wet showing she was crying. She held out her arms and the Uchiha grunted before hugging the girl. "Thank you." She whispers, clutching the shirt that used to belong to her brother to her chest. "Your... welcome."

She then turns and reaches out, touching Naruto's face to make sure it was him before drawing him into a tight hug. "You're a fantastic friend." She whispers to him and he smiles widely, "You bet, believe it!" And for the first time in almost four months a smile grew on Winter's face... one that matched her blonde grinning friend.

For the first time in four months, Winter felt happy.

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