Chapter Nineteen~ Darkness

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~Chapter Nineteen~

The sky was a sombering gray, the shinobi and citizens of the Village Hidden in the Leaf wearing black. All were mourning the lost of the Third Hokage. Shinobi stood in front of the memorial, all faces showing various stages of sorrow. Near the front the young grandson of the now deceased Hokage sniffled, struggling to not break down. However it was impossible and he soon broke down into heart wrenching sobs, his little body shaking. The sky seemed to agree with him and started pouring rain. The rain was slightly warm, making it appear as though the heavens cried for the leader that was lost. One by one the shinobi would step forward, placing a white flower on the memorial taking a moment to pray or send their thoughts to the heavens. Some were brave enough to whisper what they were thinking, but most stayed silent.

Soft footsteps made sever shinobi glance back, wondering who on earth would be late to the funeral. They were met with the sad eyes of Inazuma Kuro, her mask removed for the first time in a while showing a scar crossing her lip. She firmly grasped the hand of the black haired Genin, whose hair hung loose around her shoulders and trailed down to her hips. The girl refused to look up, stumbling slightly every now and then. It was only when they started passing through the ranks to give their respects did she look up.

Naruto's eyes, which shone with unshed tears, widened as he took in Winter's face. She appeared to be fine... except for the white bandages wrapped around her eyes. Her mouth was screwed up into one of misery, sadness radiating off of her. Inazuma finally let go of her hand, and Winter's steps to the memorial were slow and hesitant. It was painful for some to watch the young shinobi struggling. They knew she had tried to save the Hokage, and for her to fail like this... they knew she was beating herself up on the inside even if it wasn't her fault.

With shaky hands, Winter placed the white flower on the table clasping her hands into a prayer as she sent her final thoughts up to the Third Hokage. I'm sorry I failed you... and I'm sorry I was so cold hearted to you when all you showed me was kindness and understanding. I would try and talk to you... but I'm afraid. I am sorry. I will find Orochimaru though... and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else.

She stumbled away, Inazuma taking her hand once more and the two walked away silently comforting eachother.


Later in the week, Neji Hyuga stopped walking when he came across a sight that he had seen several times. Winter stood in a clearing, training as best as she could, the difference being that she was horrible clumsy now. She was growing frustrated and lighting sparked around her body as she struggled to fight against a clone that Inazuma made.

She wouldn't let the darkness stop her from reaching her goal... even if she had to train until she dropped to figure out a way to fight again.

Winter whirled around struggling to land a single hit on the clone. Let out a small scream of frustration Winter slammed her fists onto the ground letting loose a stream of lightning that destroyed the clone. Groaning she took off her shoes that were getting too small before hopping to her feet. She stumbled slightly, sucking a sharp breath. Carefully she stomped her foot on the ground getting a black and white picture of her surrounding coming back to her. "Neji, are you really there?" She asked quietly.

"How did you know?" She stomped her foot on the ground again before turning to face him, "I... I think I figured out what to do. See if I lace chakra in my feet and send it through the earth, I get this black and white picture." She took a deep breath before stomping down as hard as she could on the earth. She gasped softly and turned her head in the north direction. "No way..." Without warning she dashed away, her hair flying behind her. Winter now wore black bandages wrapped tightly around her eyes, her headband hung around her neck.

She skidded to a stop, high up in a tree. She gently tapped the tree of her hand, getting the same black and white picture back. She grinned before climbing down the tree and silently slipping into the river, easily being able to add chakra to her lungs she she wouldn't drown. She walked along the bottom of the river, getting the black and white images each time she stepped onto the ground.


The two S-Rank Criminals stood on the water, facing off with three Jonin from the Leaf Village. They wore the black cloak dotted with red clouds lined with white that was associated with the Akatsuki. Itachi Uchiha blinked calmly as Kakashi Hatake feel to his knees breathing harshly. The water was relatively calm and Kisame Hoshigaki shifted his sword as he grinned at the other shocked Jonin with shark teeth.

Without warning the water burst up around the two, Kisame stumbling forward from the solid kick that met his head. Itachi barely dodge the punch aimed at his face, the sharp knife held in between his attacker's knuckles cutting a few pieces of hair that floated down. His eyes widen ever so slightly at the closeness of the attack and the girl spun around, landing with her back to the Leaf Jonin.

"Huh... I never thought I'd see you again." Itachi murmurs in his cool voice as he stares at the young teenager. She throws the kunai in the air lazily, "Ah, well the world is full of surprise is it not?" Winter grins recklessly at the two criminals the water stirring underneath their feet. Kisame sneers gripping his sword and getting ready to attack only to be stopped by Itachi who holds his hand out to the side, stopping him from moving forward.

"No. We're leaving." Kisame stares at him incredulously, "This little girl is making you want to retreat." "First off, that is no ordinary girl. Secondly the Nine Tails Fox holder has left the village so we no longer need to be here. And finally, as much as I hate to admit it... she has a huge advantage, the water. As long as we fight her on this river, we won't be able to win or escape fast enough because it will surely attract unwanted attention."

Kisame groans before placing his sword on his back, "Fine." The two criminals blink and disappear. Winter sighs and walks off the water, still bare foot. "What were you thinking?" Kurenai hisses at her. "Itachi Uchiha..." She muses ignoring the Jonin, "How unusual fate can be... to meet you again." Winter walks off, not paying attention to anyone or anything. She makes it to her house and peels off the bandages, though everything is still black. She grabs a new roll of bandages, wrapping her eyes once more.

Sitting down on the floor, she sits lotsu style and mediates until she feels the warmth leave from the window. Deciding the sun is setting, Winter stands up and places her hands together in a familiar sign. Flickering away she finds herself immediately with a kunai against her throat. "Yuki." The cool voice murmurs. "Itachi." Her voice is just as cold, showing no sign of fear. "Hey its the brat!" Kisame says, grinning at the girl even if she can't see him.

"Kisame Hoshigaki..." She grins slightly and quickly throws a senbon needle at a nearby tree, flickering up to the branch and sitting down on it. "I need to talk to you." The shark like man grins dangerously, "Oh? Do you now?" She nods and summons the Head Clever, slamming it into the tree bark, hopping up and crouching down on top of the blade. "Mmhmm, that's right." His eyes flicker with surprise, "Where did you get that sword?" She laughs softly, "Who do you think? The Demon of the Hidden Mist. And he told me to talk to you, because you know where to find the person I'm after."

"And who is this?" He muses, looking at the sword. "Raiga Kurosuki." Her voice becomes painted with darkness as she speaks his name like it was acid. Kisame's laughter booms throughout the forest. "You know, I never did like him... so I'll tell you something." Winter listens attentively, "He has been hiding out near the border of Amegakure and the Land of Rivers. Tell you what, you manage to kill that man... and I'll teach you how to use his swords." She smirks, "Alright." She dips her head in teh direction of th esotic Uchiha. "Goodbye, Itachi." And she vanishes as if she was never there.

Kisame look at him, "You have weird acquaintances." Itachi looks at him, Sharingan a blazing red in the shadows. "She's not an acquaintance... more of a, person from my past." Kisame grins darkly, "Well if she does manage to pull off what she plans to do..." He trails off and Itachi nods slightly, "I know." "And you're okay with it?" Itachi nods once more, "I have no more ties with that girl." He lies smoothly, "So why do you disappear whenever she does every year? Leader keeps tabs on her you know." "Merely a coincidence." Itachi tells him firmly, his thoughts drifting the cold winds of the towering mountain and the storm barrier. "Sure, sure. Just remember to distance yourself, you don't want any ties with her in a few years." Kisame reminds him, his voice quieter than normal.


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