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(—an outstretched hand)

Winter groaned and blearily opened her eyes only to be jumped on by a bright orange blob. She blinked a few times, the room coming into focus.

"You're awake!" Naruto shouted enthusiastically. 

"Why are you hugging me, idiot?" She moans and pushes him off, "and why are you even here? Wait... where am I?" She sits up and looks around taking in the piercing white walls. "

You're in the hospital, and I'm here because that's what friends do."

She blinks, shocked and looks at the blonde who was grinning recklessly, "Friends?"  

He nods, "Yep! Even though you were really cold at first I can tell you're a really nice person. Like when you made me ramen and when you gave us the extra scroll you had. And that weird guy that you killed in the exams, that was scary but cool all the same 'cause you're really strong believe it!" He tells her happily. 

She smiles slightly, "Friends... alright I can deal with that, but!" She holds up her pointer  finger looking at him, "I'm pretty cold-hearted blondie so I won't make the greatest friend." 

He just grins, "That's okay, you're already a lot better than stupid Sasuke." His voice turns mocking as he says his rivals name.

Winter laughs lightly and Naruto freezes, staring at her. She tilts her head to the side, reminding Naruto of a dog, "What?" 

A giant smile grows on his face, "You have a pretty laugh, so you should laugh more often." 

Her mouth opens slightly and she blinks, "A-Alright..." 

Naruto grinned at her, "Well I've got to go train with Pervy Sage. We have three weeks until the final exam." He runs out, Winter going rigid at his statement. 

"Crap!" She quickly changes out of the unflattering hospital gown and changes into her old clothes. She jumps out the window and lands in a crouch next to a startled Sakura. Winter dashes off before she could say anything, her eyes narrowed as the wind stings her eyes.

She sprints to her house and gathers a bag of supplies before sprinting out into the woods. Once she finds a clearing she would use for training, she dumps her bag off to the side and bites her thumb. Doing the hand signs for a summoning jutsu Winter slams her hand down onto the ground.

The smoke clears and leaves a seven-foot-tall purple wolf yawning widely. The wolf had the outline of a gold diamond on her forehead and Ara grinned in the way a wolf could. "Winter my darling." 

"Hello, Ara." The wolf walked over to the girl and bumps her head against Winter's shoulder affectionately, "Boy do I have a lot to explain to you, you ready?"

Winter sits down and nods, "Shoot." 

Ara lays down, "You already have activated the Storm Bringer... but you actually have a different uh type. You have the female version, the one your mother would always tell you stories about."

Winter's eyes widen, "No way." She breathed out staring at Ara, "Are you sure? I thought I wouldn't unlock it until I turned fifteen." 

Ara nods her giant head, "Usually that would be true, but you already unlocked it, my dear." 

Winter laughs slightly and shakes her head, "No I haven't.... have I?" Winter thinks, gazing at the ground, her eyebrows furrowed together. Ara blinks her golden eyes solemnly, watching the girl calmly. Winter shakes her head, "There is no way I can have it. I just can't." 

Ara doesn't budge, nodding her head, "You do, and I'm going to teach you how to use it." 

Winter bites her lower lip, "Fine, try to teach me and I'll show you I really don't have it."

Ara nods, "Very well." She bends her head to grab a scroll from the bag on her back, handing it to Winter. "Read this and try the techniques." 

Winter nods and spreads the scroll out, immersing herself in it. The sun starts to sink lower into the sky and Winter finally sets the scroll down, sitting lotus style. Winter's back is straight and she closes her eyes, taking deep breaths. She put her two index fingers and thumbs together, making a diamond-like shape. She then turned them so the thumbs touched the index fingers, creating a rectangle-like shape. At first, nothing happens and Ara watches her interested.

A small wind swirls around Winter and she sucks in a startled breath, her eyes flying open in shock only to discover she was no longer in the clearing.

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