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(—the heart of the storm)

Throwing in several pairs of clothes, a thermal sleeping bag and some scrolls that had food sealed in them, Winter rolled back onto her heels zipping the bag close. Tossing it over her shoulder, she bent down and scooped up her cloak putting it in the side pocket. Fixating the bag so she had both straps on each of her shoulders Winter locked her door and performed a quick jutsu that cast a force field over her house. A chunin could break it, but it would keep the robbers out if there were any lurking in the Leaf.

She left a note taped to her door for Inazuma, noting the red-orange haze that started to creep over the sky. Stuffing her hands in her pockets she strolled to the gates deep in thought. For the past three years, she had done this same process, slowly emptying herself of her emotions to prepare for the turmoil it would bring her to visit. 

Showing the scroll from the Hokage to Izumo she waved goodbye to the two gatekeepers and ventured into the forest, familiar with the path she was going to take. Trees towered above and started to block out the sun, bushes and rocks appeared seemingly trying to trip the girl.

Even when the forest became shrouded in black and grays Winter continued on walking. The closer she got to her destination the more withdrawn she became. Her eyes slowly became glassy, doll-like in a way. Her face smoothed out and her movements became automatic responses. For two days she walked like this, her emotions being suppressed in the deepest pit of her mind where she locked them up in a cage with a strong lock. Dawn slowly painted the sky orange, pink and yellow as she reached the third day. She had covered thousands of miles, never stopping or resting, always walking keeping the same brisk pace that she had when she left Konoha. 

The air grew colder and the forests gave way to mountains that the tops couldn't be seen, touching the sky where no human could go.

Climbing up the steep slope of one such mountain Winter felt the dryness of her mouth, the empty feeling in her stomach, the slight throb in her skull. But most of all was the sound of her heart beating, no pounding in her chest. It almost hurt, the vibrations of her heart as its pace picked up. Even when Winter tried to become emotionless, her heart always betrayed her.

Around noon she reached the first summit and she stopped to breathe. In and out, she calmed her heart before starting on the worn down path that was well hidden. It soon flattened out into a woodland littered with pine trees hundreds of feet tall. Sunlight filtered through as she neared the place.

Her heart rate picked up, her pupils shrinking slightly as the trees thinned out. Thump. Thump. Thump. Out of nowhere, a wind picked up swirling her hair around making it shine a navy blue in the sunlight, her hair looked like ink against the sky. Blotching out part of the cerulean blue that stretched vastly. Her palms started to sweat, her vision blurring ever so slightly. It happened six years ago, so why did this happen to her every time she came?

She licked her dry lips as she stared at the cause of the wind, squinting slightly. Something that can only be described as unnatural was in place in front of her. Standing one hundred feet high, the barrier stood in place. It was a storm, swirling wind, stinging rain and flashing lightning. It was a dome of sorts, but it also stretched underground to ensure no intruders.

"Arashi no Kokoro." She whispered staring at the entrance to her old village.

The Heart of the Storm.


The girl stood in front of the barrier for what seemed like hours, maybe even days. Blood red eyes studied the girl sharply wondering if this was really her. 

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