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(—the cherry blossom tree)

Inazuma and Kakashi dash through the forest, Kurenai and Asuma not too far behind. The closer they got to the heart of the storm, the stronger the wind got and the harder the rain fell. Every few seconds lightning would race across the sky a strong contrast against the black ink color the heavens had been painted.

Adding chakra to her legs Inazuma raced ahead, living up to her name. Finally, she could make out two figures confronting each other. Lightning lit up the area, showing the two genin glaring at each other. 

"Winter!" Inazuma screamed, her voice getting lost in the pounding rain and whistling wind. Sand was rising and surrounding the red-haired boy as lightning struck closer and closer to him. 

"YOU KNOW NOTHING AT ALL!" The cry rang out in the air as Winter yelled at Gaara, fury laced in her voice. 

Inazuma quickly sprinted towards the two, knowing Winter was going to attack soon if Gaara didn't back down. Lighting started to gather above Winter and Inazuma's breath caught in her throat, she wouldn't dare summon that... would she?

Inazuma made several handsigns with precisions before shouting, "Lighting Style — Black Paralysis Jutsu!" This would likely catch their attention rather than temporarily drain both of their chakra sources like it intended to. Black lightning raced across the ground and the two easily dodged it. "Winter calm down!" Inazuma roared over the sound of the wild wind. Winter turned and stared at Inazuma making her falter in her tracks. 

Winter's once turquoise eyes now showed a raging storm with black clouds, rampaging wind and lightning flashing.

"He insulted them." She hissed the storm in her eyes revealing her wrath. 

"You need to calm down," Inazuma said slowly approaching her, hands held out. "We can figure this out, but you need to relax a little. I don't want you having another incident." 

The rain slowly stops falling, the lightning fading away. The sky clears gradually, becoming a dark blue with soft white clouds covering most of it. The storm in her eyes dims, before vanishing leaving behind dark turquoise orbs. 

The sand around Gaara disappears as well, but he reminds on guard watching the girl who was more powerful then she led on.

Kakashi and the others stand off to the side wide-eyed at what they just witnessed. 

"Look at me." Inazuma instructs softly, "why did you snap?" 

Winter hesitates looking around and her gaze resting on the two flowers that laid a little bit away from her. Inazuma follows where she is looking and sighs when she sees them. Walking forward she hugs Winter not saying anything else. Resting her chin on top of her student's head she whispers so no one else can hear. "I'm sure he didn't understand what he was doing." Winter closes her eyes shutting out the rest of the world, nodding her head just barely. Gaara takes a step forward and Inazuma's eyes narrow. "You... you've done enough. Go back, get your siblings, and get out of her house. I'll find you a place to stay."

He nods his head, his gaze landing on Winter one more time before disappearing. Inazuma sighs tightening her arms around Winter. "Come on, let's go back to my place and get you cleaned up." 

Winter shakes her head, "I-I want to visit them first." She whispers looking up at her Sensei. 

"Of course." Inazuma smiles even though it looked forced. She jerks her head at the others silently telling them to leave, which they do although though they hesitate.

Winter stumbles slightly over to the flowers picking them up with great care. Inazuma rests a hand on her shoulder and guides her through the forest. They come across an opening where a giant cherry blossom tree is, a bit unusual for the purple flowers instead of the traditional pink or white. Underneath the swaying branches were two gravestones that were fairly new. Swallowing the lump in her throat Winter trudges forward, her body become sluggish. The two stand before the graves, the silence a heavy one. Winter crouches down and gently places one white lily in front of each grave before straightening back up.

Running her fingers over the top of the graves she starts talking softly, "The Chunin exams are in a couple days. I'll be sure to kick ass for you guys." She chuckles sadly, "I know for sure that you guys would get so mad at me if I lost, so I'll be sure to pass, okay?" She looks down, her eyes growing a distant look in them. "I-I..." Her voice breaks and she bites her lip as hot tears form in her eyes. "I-I feel so lost right now." She whispers collapsing onto her knees, "I don't know what to do anymore." Inazuma places a hand on her shoulder staring down at the graves sadness evident in her eyes.

Winter places a hand over her forehead and eyes, distressed. Her shoulders shake, a few tears slipping down her cheek before dripping onto the ground. 

"People say, move on." She cries, "They tell me what to feel and how to act." Her chest is heaving, "B-But I'm still just a kid... and I don't want to move on! If I move on then I might f-forget and I don't want to forget you two. I wish I could speak to you one more time, see you one more time... hug you one more time." Her voice becomes hushed.

Winter leans back as Inazuma hugs her. "I'm sure they would be very proud of you for entering the exams alone, though they might also be angry because it's so dangerous. They'd probably knock down the Hokage's door and threaten him to put you on a team." 

Winter laughs weakly, "Then they would bribe you with dango to not enter me in the exams." 

Inazuma grins softly, "Finally they would track you down, tie you up, and watch over you like hawks until the exams were over." 

Winter closes her eyes as an image of fiery tempered twins flashes in her mind. "That sound like them."

Sighing she runs her fingers over the engravings on each stone.

Ryu Shiro Riau

Loyal Shinobi to the very end

May your soul rest in peace

Riku Kurai Riau

Loyal Shinobi to the very end

May your soul rest in peace

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