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(—the first exam)

Winter stands hidden by the shadows watching as other Genin filed into the room assessing each and every one of them. A few stuck in her mind, a Grass Nin with chakra resources way too high, the Sand Siblings who were looking around and a Mist Nin who seemed familiar. Everyone stuck in their teams and for a second her heart ached, missing her old team. 

She closed her eyes, right now she was to pass the first test, she could reminisce later.

A commotion caused her to look at where nine rookies were grouping up, drawing the attention of almost everyone in the room. A local Genin made his way over to them and Winter closed her eyes, not really caring what they were saying... until Sasuke spoke up, "Rock Lee, Gaara of the Sand and Winter." 

She silently walked over to them, still hidden in the darkness. 

"Rock Lee, he's a year older than you guys and this is his first year entering the exams. He excels greatly in Taijutsu." The Genin flipped over another card showing a picture of Gaara's face. "Gaara of the Desert. This will be his first time in the exams as well, he is exceptionally powerful, and get this. The guy's done a B-Ranked mission and came out without a scratch on him." The Genin pushes up his glasses before turning over the last card showing Winter without her scar and a small smile on her face. 

She narrowed her eyes, that had been taken a year ago when she had a reason to smile. 

"Winter, no last name available. She graduated a year early and moved to Konoha two years ago. Uh, let's see, strength in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. Team..." The card is ripped out of his hands and burned to ashes in front of Kabuto's shocked face. 

"I think that's enough." Winter droned, "You'll take out the fun when everyone figures out where my team is." My non-existent team, she thought with bland amusment. Brushing off the ash she turned and walked away not saying anything else.

"Winter my youthful friend!" A blur of green and Rock Lee stood in front of her grinning widely, "Did you get a new team then?" 

She laughs, "No." 

Tenten appears beside him, "Then who are you taking the exam with. Unless..." Her eyes widen in understanding, "Winter you didn't!" She said shocked, "You're being reckless, people have been killed in these exams before." 

Winter shrugged her shoulders, "I can't die if I'm already dead inside. Don't worry, I won't be killed by this, I won't die until I kill him."

Neji stands impassively next to Tenten though his eyes flicker with worry for a split second before it vanishes. "Alright calm down you baby-faced degenerates!" A puff of smoke and several Chunin and a man with two scars running down his face stood there. "My name is Ibiki Morino, the first exam starts now!"


Winter glares at the paper on the desk, getting increasingly annoyed at the fact that a certain redhead was sitting next to her. Blinking a few times she decides to get on with the test already and scans the paper. Too advanced for Genin and maybe even some Chunin unless you're a genius. She racks through her brain thinking over various ways to cheat without being caught. 

I could summon Mist since she doesn't produce that cloud of smoke when she appears but doing the hand signs and biting my thumb would be hard to do without getting caught. She sighs, I guess I have to no choice. Closing her eyes she breathes deeply, to the Chunin watching her she appeared to be trying to calm herself down, but in reality,Genin she was listening.

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