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A smirk slowly curled on the lips of a young woman, her entire figure shrouded in darkness. Chains rattled and the heavy footsteps of underpaid guards echoed throughout the underground prison. She sat lotus style in a black cell several hundred feet below the surface with her only companion being the occasional drip of water falling from the steel ceiling.

The wooden desk laid in front of her served for a resting place for her elbows, her fingers intertwined and tucked under her chin. She hadn't moved in nearly a year, instead slowly building up enough strength to take down a Sannin.

Of course, she was going to be escaping from a place that was built to hold the strongest, most corrupt or misjudged humans on this planet. Not that it particularly mattered to her, she enjoyed a challenge. Besides, the population of prisoners? One.

Her back cracked as she straightened up, a merciless look flashing across her face as she kept her eyes shut. Escape wasn't the right word, no escape implied that she was going to simply break free from this place. That she was going to run away like a coward.

Just as it was in the blood of an ancient clans to receive a gift, it was in hers to fight.

No she... the woman ran her tongue over her sharp canine teeth as she untangled her fingers... she wasn't going to leave a single soul to tell the tale. What was the mantra that idiotic red head had told her?

Her legs unfurled and she stood strong, her muscles loosening up before tensing slightly as the adrenaline started to build up in anticipation for the upcoming fight. She didn't seem to walk on the ground, instead gliding silently as she made not a single sound.

A single ray of flickering light dashed across her, lighting up smooth pale skin and a strong jaw. Deep purple hair seeped into the darkness making it appear black, her nose ring glinting in the sudden light. The torch continued to give off fleeting light and her naturally blood red lips curled up even more. Ah yes, she remembered now.

Lifting her arms out to the side, her fingers curled slightly with her palms upturned. Silver mist gather in her palms before spilling out and crashing down onto the ground. It crept under the miniscule crack in the door, spreading along the concrete floor.

It swept up into the ventilation shafts that pumped oxygen throughout the black and white place, running along the bloodied and dirty walls. It snarled and twisted, the mist seeming to come alive. The guards started to drop one after another, their bodies in a coma like state. Soon the air was thick with the mist and everything was coated in a deadly silver haze. She loved it.

The heavy door started to disintegrate and the woman steps out, her bare feet making no sound. She wore black Arabian style pants, a blank crop top covering her chest and ending in the middle of her ribcage exposing most of her midriff. Her hair was in wild ringlets and short, ending just above her shoulders, and it was hard to imagine her as a fighter with her scarless skin. A silver tattoo adorned her right forearm shimmering in the dark. A metal plate with three claw marks carved on it stitched onto a piece of white-silver fabric was tied around her neck loosely.

Her eyes were still closed as she walked confidently down the musty hallways and up the seemingly never ending stairs, her mist encasing the entire prison. She tapped her fingers against a towering black door, the door disintegrating and letting cool air in. She reveled in the moment as she breathed in fresh air for the first time in five years. She walked outside, her bare feet scraping against the stones and grass dotting the landscape.

She continued to walk calmly away, the mist rising out of the door slightly. The night sky glittered with millions of stars, no human life around for several miles. A grin appears on her face as she snaps her fingers, her eyes starting to open for the second time in five years.

An explosion light up behind her, the brightness blinding as the flames erupted from the doorway. The ground beneath her feet shook as the prison collapsed, melting and fading away. Her mouth barely moved as she spoke, her voice a mere whisper as her bright silver eyes opened; a contrast against the dark of night.

"No blood. No bone. No ash."

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