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(—good things, bad things)

Winter's face was morphed into one of complete and utter shock. Her eyes were wide, her mouth dropped open and she struggled to speak. All of this seemed to amuse Minato Namikaze even more. "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere." He offered leaning back against a tree that literally pops out of nowhere. 

She gulps in some fresh air, "You're the Fourth Hokage." 

He nods, "That's correct." 

"You're the Yellow Flash." 


"You... you're my..." 

His face softens and he straightens up. "That's right." She swallows thickly, several emotions flashing across her face. "Tell you what, why don't we start training and then after the exams once I know you have everything down we can sit down and have a nice long talk." 

She nods, her face clearing up.

 "Alright." Minato claps his hands together. "Let's get started!"

. . .

For the next three weeks Winter is hardly seen in Konoha, maybe appearing once or twice a week before disappearing again. However even with those small visits, people could sense a change in her, she was growing warmer and slowly becoming more like the little girl the citizens had known.

It was a nice change for the graduating class above the rookies of this year, including Neji, Lee, and Tenten. However for the members of team 7, it was starting to creep them out a little. Her harsh glares softening, her sharp tongue not giving out as many blows. To Inazuma, it was as if her student was returning to her, and she was forever grateful for whatever had made Winter start to change for the better.

But all good things must come to an end...

And so Winter was going to take yet another drastic blow, the final event that would shape her into who she was going to become.

Someone both feared and admired by all.

. . .

The day of the final Chunin exam, Winter strode into the stadium with her head held high. She had shed her cloak, now wearing a tight scarlet red crop top that ends just above her belly button with mesh covering the rest of her stomach. Her hair was in a tight dutch braid, metal spikes glinting in the sunlight. She has tight black pants on, her sandals red. Her ninja pouch is still on her left leg and her turquoise eyes are steady as the crowds chatter happily. Her katanas are slung across her back in an X formation, with black fingerless gloves adorning her hands and metal plates are woven in over the knuckles.

She stood off to the side a little bit, her face void of any emotion as the other participants lined up. Naruto ran in last, though Sasuke had yet to show up. Winter shifted all her weight to one side and bites her lower lip before sauntering over to the Proctor, well aware of the curious gazes following her movements. She whispers something into his ear and after a moment of contemplation, he nods. She smiles slightly and walks back to her place, her face soon become emotionless again.

After listening to the rules and such, Winter followed the others up the metal stairs to the viewing balcony. The fights were interesting, Naruto's being one of the best seeing how he beat Neji Hyuga. Winter slowly grew more and more anxious as her fight grew nearer, doubts clouding her mind.

What if I didn't learn it right? What if I mess up? Why can I not seem to calm down? Why is this fight getting to me?

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them as the Procter yelled out. "And the second to final match today, one that many have been excited to see!" Murmurs broke out in the crowd, most leaning forward in their seat in anticipation. "From the Village Hidden in the Sound, Dosu Kinuta!" There were some cheers from the stand, most half-hearted. "Versing someone from our very own Village Hidden in the Leaf." He hesitated slightly before announcing, "Yuki Ookami!"

Winter vaulted over the railing, landing on her feet silently as she started at Dosu. The crowd roared with excitement, though it was dimmed down with confusion as leaves swirled in a mini hurricane before blowing away. It left behind two figures standing back to back, a lazy and perverted silver-haired Jonin and the survivor of the Uchiha clan. 

"Sorry we're late, you wouldn't believe the traffic."

Lightning crackled before Inazuma appeared punching Kakashi in the face. "How dare you interrupt this match you little twerp! I want to see Winter fight!"

Kakashi winced, his mask smoking a little. "C'mon then Sasuke." He muttered, rubbing his nose as the three went back to the stands. 

The proctor cleared his throat. "Alright then. This match will continue until one individual forfeits, is unable to continue or is... killed." The energy in the crowd shoots up again, each having heard the story of how the two both were merciless fighters. 

One thing was for certain, bloodshed was inevitable. 

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