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(—holes in the wall)

"Lord Hokage, may I ask why I was summoned here?" A ninja with silver-white hair asked. He was wearing the usual Jonin attire of the Leaf Village with an addition of a mask that covers the bottom half of his face. His Leaf Hi-ate was tilted over his left eye, while his right eye was really the only part of his face that wasn't covered.

"Ah, Kakashi thank you for coming on short notice. I assume things with Team 7 are going well?" The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, asked smoking his pipe diligently.

 "Yes, I suppose." Kakashi Hatake answered warily, the Third Hokage wasn't necessarily known for early morning talks. 

"And I suppose that it isn't too stressful? That it is almost easy." The Third continued on. 

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it easy."

"Hmm." The Hokage pondered on his decision. "Well, you are a capable ninja so I hope this won't be too much of a hassle. I will be adding a Genin to your team for a little while."

 Sharp laughter suddenly filled the Hokage's office. "You have got to be kidding me. She will not go along with this idea quietly. Psh, she is going to be so pissed that I wouldn't be surprised if you found another training ground destroyed." 

Kakashi turned his head slightly to the side, acknowledging the purple-haired Jonin in the corner. "Hello, Inazuma." 

"Hello, Kakashi." Her voice was cool, like always. Inazuma Kuro was a young Jonin, about 19 years old. She had dark purple hair that was wavy and pulled up into a messy ponytail. Small pieces fell free and framed her face. Her eyes are gray at the bottom and black at the top, with a gray mask covering the bottom half of her face. She had three piercings in each ear, all hoops that doubled as chakra stores. Her Hi-ate was across her forehead in the normal manner, and she wore the green Jonin vest unzipped showing her gray crop top that ended just above her belly button with mesh underneath and her pants were gray as well, just a shade darker. They ended mid-shin with bandages covering the rest of her legs. And on her feet were the stationary black ninja sandals with her ninja pouch resting on her left leg.

"Inazuma I called you here to help me pick a team for her, not to mention how badly she will react." The Hokage sighed deeply. 

"Not my problem. I told you she wants to stick with me, and if you just have to put her on a team, not one with fresh Genin. She will absolutely loathe the idea." Inazuma replied sharply.

 "Look." The Hokage brought out his crystal ball. Both Jonin stepped forward to see it, the scene inside was intriguing.

A young kunoichi, perhaps 12 or 13 years old, was at a more secluded training ground. Already, even though it was 6 AM, the targets were littered with sharp kunai thrown with deadly accuracy. A tree off to the side had hundreds of precise slashes made by the twin katanas gently resting against it, in their sheaths. The girl was busy throwing chakra enhanced punches and kicks at a giant tree. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, and small beads of sweat were showing on her face. Her dark hair was thrown up into a careless bun, small pieces drifting into her face. Her dark turquoise eyes glinted dangerously, and the scar barely visible below and above her eye was still slightly pink for it was not all the way healed yet.

"I don't see what the big deal is," Inazuma told the Hokage, rolling most of her weight onto one foot and letting one hip stick out a little.

"Inazuma I have gotten several reports of her being found passed out at various training grounds. And mostly several more times that you didn't tell me about." 

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