Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ White Feathers

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~Chapter Twenty-Nine~

Her screams echoed throughout the underground base, bone chilling and haunting. The sound rose higher and higher to the point of being non-human. It scraped along the walls and tore through the silence that once rested in the space. The wind picked up and horrible, viotle screams being carried on it.

Winter lunged at the mother and daughter, her face full of undulated fury. Her visible eye was a full, raging storm and her teeth were bared at the two women. Her arms were yanked back, pain shooting up from the shackles holding her in place but this only fueled her anger. Her hair whipped around her face, blood splattering outwards.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You." She snarls, her gleaming white teeth looking more sharp, starved, and animalistic than ever before. "I'm going to kill you on this mountain to ensure that you both burn in the deepest, most wretched part of hell." Spit flies out of her mouth, the wild look on her face and the black cage surrounding her making her look like the dangerous animal Hakuei had deemed her.

"As if you can get out of that cage." Hakuei tells her tapping a sharp nail against the black metal. "I took special measures to ensure not even an Ookami on her home turf could escape." Winter's lower lip starts to quiver and Hakuei smirks, "Going to cry dear?"

Mad laughter bubbles out of her and spills out as she cackles loudly. The two take a step back casting wary glances at the seemingly insane girl before looking at eachother. Winter throws her head back still laughing, her face lit up with amusement. "And that's where you're wrong yet again. You see Ha-ku-ei..." She mockingly sing songs her name. The storm in her eye darkens considerable as she grins crookedly at the two.

"All cages were made to be opened then closed, and that is their biggest flaw."


The first thing she was aware of was the soft bed underneath her, the silk sheets brushing against her bare arms. Her eyes slowly fluttered open in confusion, her gaze landing on a ceiling covered in polaroid pictures. Sitting up the young ninja touched her neck, her eyes widening in surprise when she felt no wound there.

"Am I dead?" She murmurs confusion clear on her face. Soft laughter floats through the air, a rich and charming sound. "Not exactly Leaf Ninja." She squeaks quietly and turns around seeing a young man standing in front of a window. His back is to her and her mouth drops open as she gazes at the white feathered wings that appear in between his shoulder blades. He turns around, his pitch black hair a contrast to the wings.

His light turquoise eyes are soft and kind as walks over to her making no sound. He crouches down so they were face to face and he smiles kindly. "Your physical body is healing up quite nicely so you'll be able to return soon." "My physical body?" She questions, her gaze darting to his wings every now and then making it clear she's entranced by them.

He chuckles and motions to the space next to her, "Do you mind if I sit down?" She shakes her head and he sits down next to her flicking his shaggy hair out of his eyes. "Since we do have a little bit of time I suppose I can explain the basics to you."

"Right now you are in the lighter part of the spirit world. Some call this Heaven, but it's simply where most go after they pass. Because of my lineage and the fact you were on the Seventh Mountain, I was able to pull your spirit from your body and cast a small genjutsu so it would make it appear as though you died. So right now in the living world your body is healing and then I'll send your spirit back down once it's fully healed.

Next thing, even though I have wings I'm not an full angel. In this world you can easily imagine something and it'll appear. So for the prefered method of travel most use wings such as mine. However there are angels and they have gold wings. Everyone else has gray wings."

He tries to explain it the best it can while keeping it short. "But, your wings are white mister." He smiles and looks at one of his long feathered appendages. "Yes they are, I am a special case." He winks at her, "I choose to become a Guardian Angel and today is the first day of my job."

"Wait, are you mine?"

He shakes his head smiling softly with a hint of sadness in his eyes, "I was allowed to watch over my little sister. I was very sad and depressed when I learned I failed to stay by her side and protect her down there, so I trained very hard to be able to guide and protect her from up here."

"Little sister huh?" She murmurs studying him. As she took note of his angled jawline and sharp eyes she started to make a connection. Her eyes widen and he raises his pointer finger to his lip shushing her. "It's time to go back."

She nods and watches and plucks a stray feather off of his wings, tucking it behind her ear. "You may not realize it but there is a member within the ashes just waiting to be ignited so it can turn into a roaring flame. Don't let your talent go to waste... Sakura."

She slowly nods watching a sliver light beings to engulf her. "Keep an eye on her for me? There is only so much I can do from up here." He smiles at her as everything starts to fade, his eyes flickering with lightning for a split second.

"Winter was always reckless, even as a little girl."

Ahh the wonders of writing at 2:15 in the morning. Also today I got to meet Chris Sharma! THE CHRIS SHARMA! AND HE SPELLED MY NICKNAME RIGHT! (For those of you non-climbers, which is probably most of you, Chris Sharma is the King... no God of climbing no joke)

Also I hate to say it but... this book is coming to a close. But never fear, the sequel will appear! Unless I feel evil/lazy and end it with a giant nuclear explosion so everyone dies. Yeah I need sleep, byeee!

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