Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Late-Night Promises

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~Chapter Twenty-Six~

"Oh hell no."

To this day it was nearly impossible to get Winter mad. She might get a little frustrated, or yell sometimes from pent up emotions, but she never ever got mad. She didn't get mad when someone broke into her cabin, she didn't get mad when Naruto ate all of her food and then made her pay for twelve bowls of ramen. Hell she didn't even get mad when Gai started trying to force into one of those horrendous green, spandex suits. But now? Oh she wasn't mad, nope she was far past being mad.

Winter was so pissed off it made Lady Tsunade's anger look like a child throwing a tantrum.

First of all, it had taken them three days to cross two more mountains; Go no Sora [the Fifth Mountain, the Mountain leading to the Sky] and Roku no Yami [the Sixth Mountain, the Mountain of Eternal Night].

During that time Sasuke had become distant from the two girls, starting to hang around the others more often. His usually sharp onyx eyes had dulled slightly and he seemed less wary of Lady Misaki which in turn made the two more wary of her. The snapping point had been in the sixth mountain when he'd defended her during one of their nightly talks making the two realize, whatever had happened to Kakashi and Naruto had happened to Sasuke.

Not only that but the idiots managed to attract a weird lizard like creature made out of lightning that Winter had to absorb so they didn't die, and did she get thanked? Nope, she got scolded for doing it to slow and Lady Misaki faked a few tears making her get into more trouble with Kakashi. It didn't help she felt jittery and shook all day from the electricity coursing through her veins. Basically she felt as high as the heavens.

Once they exited the pitch black mountain, Winter let out a relieved sigh seeing the village gates up ahead. The Village Hidden in the Mountains, was not hidden in an actual mountain, it was just in between the sixth and seventh mountain of the Sebun Ten no Yama range.

It was closer to the sixth mountain, meaning it took them perhaps an hour tops to reach the gates at the speed Kakashi set. Lady Misaki had decided to walk the rest of the way and it made Winter impatient seeing how slow the woman walked. Her eye twitched as Lady Misaki stopped to literally 'smell the roses' along the side of the path and her jaw clenched when she saw the sun starting to set.

She'd wanted to dump the, and pardon her French, bitch off at her village before high tailing it back to the Hidden Leaf village. So when the woman attached herself to Kakashi's arm and started purring like a freakin cat Winter found herself starting to shake.

And that was how she found herself staying an extra two f**king days in the village with the devil's spawn for some stupid festival that was supposedly 'sacred' and oh-so 'important' to Lady Misaki.

She was so, so soooo done with this women.

No, that was an understatement. Winter was ready to go full rogue if it meant she could make 'Lady Misaki' disappear off the earth. Meaning she'd be under the earth, like thirteen feet instead of the traditional six. Essentially she was plotting the murder of Lady Misaki Rin. Oh yeah she was so going to jail but it'd be so worth it.

It was official, she was going insane.

"Yeah you kind of are." Sakura mutters laying down on her bed in their inn. "Huh?" Winter glances at her confused. "You were just sitting there calmly before suddenly laughing evilly and then you announced you were going insane, I agree." "Ehehe whoops, next time I'll be sure to not laugh." She responds stretching her arms tiredly.

Making a few handsigns, a light blue chakra barrier went up around the room making Sakura glance at her curiously. "It's so no one can hear us, I don't particularly trust anyone in this village." Sakura nods in understanding, "You saw their eyes right? They were glazed over just like Sasuke-kuns!"

It was quiet for a couple minutes before Winter speaks up again, "Hey Sakura?" "Yeah?" She hesitates before saying, "Don't fall into her trap, Misaki's. You may not realize it but you have the potential of becoming a great kunoichi, maybe even becoming stronger than me. You just have to find your drive, your passion and pursue it. Find something that will make you stronger, because I believe that you can do something great with your life."

Sakura blinks in shock and looks over at Winter who's laying on her side with her back to Sakura. "Winter..." She trails off not knowing what to say. Winter smiles slightly even though Sakura can't see her. "Just promise me something?" The pink haired girl yawns, half asleep. "Sure, what?" It's dead silent before she finally speaks up softly staring at the wall.

"Don't turn out like me... don't become a monster..."

Muwahahaha that last line may or may not be foreshadowing *insert evil smirk here* 

Any way guess who's getting a Macbook? Me me! So when I do get (later in the week cause I ordered it today online) I might not be able to upload for a day or two until I get used to it and put all my documents on it. But I'm so excited!!! 

I noticed that the picture isn't loading for some weird reason last chapter so please please copy & paste the link below to see the drawing of Winter 'cause it's perfect! Sorry not sorry for the long author's note.

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