Chapter Thirty-Four ~ the Past and Future

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~Chapter Thirty-Four~

Winter sat lotus style on her couch, a couple pieces of paper spread out on the coffee table in front of her. She pressed her fist to her mouth, examining the letter for any sign of fraud. The words had been had written with a swooping pen, the ink smooth and standing out against the white paper.

There was even the small heart after the writer's initials, something another person wouldn't have thought of doing. If the contents of this letter are true, then Winter had a lot to think about and not that much time to make a choice. Her eye skimmed over the letter once more, the words already imprinted into her mind.

Why now of all times?

She had just gotten used to staying in the Leaf Village again, had found her happiness. And now she might not be able to stay. How would Inazuma take this? Her chest tightened and her throat closed slightly, how would Naruto and the others take this?

Rubbing her temples she gets out a sheet of clean paper, spinning the pen around her fingers before starting to write. Her mind was set and she knew that in the long run this was the right choice for her, even if she might regret it at first.

So in the early rays of morning light Winter set out to make her choice, a choice that'd change her life.




Their cries echoed along the rooftop of the hospital, Sakura dashing forward. "Stop, stop it!" Her shout was lost as she continued to run. The two male Genin were dead set on defeating the other one, each having their respective powerful Jutsu in their hand. The chidori chirped loudly while the rasengan whirled with energy. The sizes of the two jutsu were not the size you'd use for a friendly spar, and this energy was what caught the girl's attention as she left the Hokage's office.

Seconds away from hitting one another with their jutsu, a black and red blur appeared in between the two. Steady hands gripped their wrists as Winter flipped and threw them into the water tanks on the roof top, her hair drifting down as they hit the metal hard. They gasped slightly, the breath knocked out of them but that didn't seem to matter so much when they caught a glimpse of the look on Winter's face.

Her visible eye was narrowed in barely concealed anger, glinting darkly. Her mouth was set into a straight line and her hands curled into fists as she straightened up, her jaw clenched slightly. As she set her sights on the two boys they cringed back slightly into the metal, gulping inaudibly.

"What were you two thinking?" It was her voice that made them hesitate the most, the fact that it was a calm tone. Much to calm the two realized. "You never ever fucking aim a jutsu that kill at a teammate."

Their faces paled at her choice of words as she stalked forward, Sasuke wrenching his fist out of the metal. "I don't care if they pissed you off, if they made you sad or if they asked you to do it. You never do that, understand?"

"Tch, why should I listen to you?"


Winter presses her forearm against Sasuke's throat as she pins him against the chainlink fence, making it rattle violently. "Because if you do that again..." She leans in closer towards his face and whispers into his ear softly. "Then you'll be dead to me." She lets go staring at him evenly. "Do you understand?"

He scoffed and jumped off, anger flaring up inside of him when he saw the full effect of Naruto's jutsu. And so he ran off, frustration and pent up energy brewing inside of him, Kakashi following him.

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