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(—don't make promises you can't keep)

"Hey, hey girl." 

Winter looked up at the sound of Tazuna's voice, issuing a soft, "Hmm?" 

"How did you know those ninjas where there?" Tazuna asked her curiously. 

She shrugged her shoulders, "I felt like there was someone watching us so I spread out my chakra and found two different malicious chakra sources. That's how I knew they were there." 

Kakashi looked at her, "How did you do that? I thought only tracker-" 

"I knew someone who was a tracker-nin, he taught me well so I usually was the tracker or sensor nin on missions though sometimes I was a heavy hitter also." Winter interrupted Kakashi without a thought, looking gloriously bored.


It took Naruto about a minute to process this information before asking Kakashi, "HEY SENSEI WHAT'S A TRACKER? AND WHAT'S A HEAVY HITTER?" 

Winter sighed heavily, murmuring underneath her breath,"I am surrounded by idiots."  

"Naruto, a sensor nin is the same as a tracker nin, with the exception of rank. Usually, tracker nin are used for assassination missions and in the ANBU Black Ops. While sensory nin can use their chakra and various techniques to find their targets. A heavy hitter is just another name that skilled ninja get for their ability to attack head-on. These ninjas are to be wary of because they can be trained to not have to hide, to attack straight on and come out with minimal damage. Since Winter has been a Genin for a year it is most likely her sensei observed her and decided her types. This can be put on their ninja registration card so the Hokage can see which types of missions would suit each ninja. But for you to be considered both, that is unusual, normally not a combination you can see every day." Kakashi said looking at the mysterious ninja.

"I'm better as a heavy hitter, but I was the only one who could really do the sensory stuff so Ina-sensei made me practice a lot," Winter explained. 

"Ha! If you're so great why did your team get disbanded huh?" The blond asked. 

"Naruto! That was very rude!" The pink haired girl said, "But you do have a point." She muttered underneath her breath. The Uchiha hned in agreement.

In. Out. In. Out. Do not bash their heads in, do not bash their heads in. In. Out. In. Out

Winter struggled to remain calm and Kakashi thought back to what Inazuma had told him.

"Listen Kakashi, Winter is almost always going to act indifferent until she either gets to know you or... well you do something to make her angry. And it is really hard to do that. So whatever you do, don't mention her family or clan. Do not threaten me, the Hokage, or Konohamaru. This will get her angry, but no matter what you do... do not insult her late team. Winter is extremely talented and if you do this you shall make her furious which can lead to severe injury, or if you are an enemy nin, death. She will keep it bottled inside until she can't stand it anymore and then she will snap. I have seen it happen once before, trust me you don't want to have to try and stop her."

Kakashi cleared his throat, "Tazuna, I believe it is time to tell us what we are really up against."

Their client glanced around nervously, "I will, once we are in the boat." True to his word, once they were situated inside the boat with Winter trying to keep her distance from the blonde, he started to explain.

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