Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Mountain of Death

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~Chapter Twenty-Two~

Winter's body was tense the entire time she packed, throwing in several sealed scrolls just in case. She threw on a pair of tight leather like combat pants and put a katana on each hip, her blood red cloak being fastened on. Her eye hardened as memories rushed through her.

Why now, of all times?

Hurrying to the front gates of Konoha, Winter was surprised to see she was last to arrive. She lands silently next to Naruto who greets her loudly. Misaki giggles and flicks her fan at something Kakashi says making Winter's eyes narrow slightly. "Alright now that everyone is here..." Kakashi gets out a map guiding his finger along the parchment. "We will take the fastest route to the Village Hidden in the Mountains, which is this path. Unfortunately even with moving at our fastest speed we won't reach your village for two weeks Lady Misaki."

The black haired priestess pouts softly, "But Kakashi-kun, I need to reach my village by the end of a week and a half at most." Winter blinks and Naruto splutters, "K-Kakashi... kun?!" Misaki turns to Winter with a wickedly charming smile, "Yuki, oh I'm sorry I mean, Winter dear?" Winter's jaw clenches slightly, "Yes Lady Misaki?"

"Can't you lead us through the mountain pass dear?" Beneath her cloak Winter's hands curl into fists. "That's not possible Lady Misaki." By now the others were fully paying attention. "Winter, if you know a path that will shorten our journey we need to use it." Kakashi says sternly. Winter looks at him evenly, "I cannot do that." "Why not?" Sakura speaks up, taking a second to stop ogling Sasuke.

"Because, then all of you would die." She states simply starting to walk. "Come on, we should try and cover as much ground as possible to Lady Misaki home as soon as possible." As Winter started to jog she let out an inaudible sigh, thinking it was over.

She was wrong.


They settled down to camp the first night in a clearing surrounded by trees, the sky having gotten dark. Winter sets up the fancy tent for Misaki, her nose wrinkling slightly as she hears the teenager giving Naruto underhanded insults. "Oh those whisker marks of yours are very... interesting." Her voice tone drops on the last word slightly but Naruto is clueless to the change. "Thanks!" He says grinning brightly.

Winter's hands clench into fists once more, anger brewing in the pit of her stomach. She pushes it aside for now, knowing that it would most likely only grow. Forcing a fake smile onto her face, one that made Sasuke glance at her weirdly, Winter walked over to Misaki. "Lady Misaki, your tent is ready." "I shall retire now then... Kakashi-kun would you mind guarding me tonight." She smiles flirtatiously, "Of course I'd only feel safe if you were in the tent with me."

She morphs her face into one of shyness and looks up at the silver haired jonin through her eyelashes. Kakashi rubs the back of his neck, ignoring the thought that something might be wrong in the back of his mind, and tells her after a moment of contemplation. "I suppose I can if that is what you would prefer." She nods elegantly and stands up smoothly, walking into the tent while swinging her hips from side to side a little more noticeably. All four Genin could see the blush appearing on their sensei regardless of his mask as he follow the priestess.

"Something about her just doesn't seem right." Sakura says a little snootily. "Hn." Sasuke stuffs his hands in his pockets, walking over to the sleeping bags silently agreeing with the pinkette. "I agree Sakura." Winter says softly before clearing her throat. "I'll take first watch." And so she jumps up into a tree before anyone can argue.

There's shuffling and the sound of sleeping bags being unzipped and zipped as the others get ready to sleep. Winter climbs higher into the tree until she was at the type, balancing precariously. She narrowed her eye, staring into the distance with an arm wrapped around the tree trunk. In the light of the stars she could see the looming shapes that they were headed towards. Her frown deepens as she thinks about the mission. Something didn't seem right, from what she could remember Misaki Ren hated her when she was little.

Letting loose a low sigh Winter shimmies down the tree, landing silently on the ground before leaning against the rough bark. The woods were filled with the sounds of nocturnal animals stirring and getting on with their lives but no enemies appeared that night.

Once dawn rose, Winter woke the other Genin up knowing they should get moving. They grumbled slightly, mainly Naruto and Sakura, but packed up. The four patiently waited for the two adults to come out of the tent, and they did... two hours later. Winter's eye twitched slightly remembering how Kakashi had specifically said that they would be getting up at dawn each day to start walking.

For the next three days this pattern repeated, with Kakashi becoming a little more distant each day. Winter felt exhausted both physically and mentally from taking the night shifts, no one else having the energy to do so and the one person who should *cough* Kakashi *cough* was too busy with Misaki. It was starting to grate one all of the Genin's nerves. Not only that but Kakashi would scoop up the priestess and set a pace that they could barely keep up with. Even Sasuke voiced his annoyance at dark when the two weren't around.

On the fourth day they reached the shapes Winter had been studying from that tree, the first towering mountain filled with black mist stretched up high into the sky. So high that no one could see the peak. "We have to go around the mountains, right Sensei?" Sakura says obviously scared at the forbidden place. "Actually Misaki informed me that we should be fine going through the mountain range." "What?" Winter growls out, "You said when we started that we were going to take the path that goes around the mountains." "It's a change of plans." Kakashi says a little shortly, "Besides Lady Misaki informed me you know your way through the mountains. I thought I told you to give us any useful information that we may need to get to the village fast?" His voice almost appears to be threatening the girl who raises an eyebrow.

"Well did Lady Misaki inform you that each mountain is more dangerous than the last, that I have only gone through one and barely survived?" He scoffs in a very un Kakashi way. "I find that unlikely, we're going through the mountains." The Genin stared at the Jonin, feeling as if he might've lost his mind. "Fine, but when we almost die or do die know that our blood is on your hands." She hisses angrily, stalking up the base of the mountain.

The black mist curls around the group, Sakura whimpering softly when whispers are heard around them. "Calm down, they feed off sorrow and panic." Winter tells her softly, her hands on the hilts of her katanas. The farther they go into the strange mountain the higher Winter's danger senses flare. The mist thickens to the point where it feels as if they are crawling and Kakashi has lifted his headband to look around with his Sharingan. Sasuke follows suit, activating his kekkei genkai. Naruto grumbles, slicing through the mist with a kunai angrily.

Sakura sticks close to Sasuke who doesn't comment for once, understanding the pinkette nervousness. "What is this place anyways?" Naruto speaks up making Misaki grin slightly, "The mountain range leading to my home." "It's actually Sebun Ten no Yama, The Seven Mountains Leading to Heaven." Winter speaks up cooly, "Currently we are on Ichi no Shi Yama, the First Mountain, the Mountain of Death."

Misaki huffs slightly, anger flashing quickly across her usually composed face. "Wow Winter! How do you know so much?" Naruto asks looking around slightly pale. "Well I should know about my homeland yes?" "Wait, are you from the Village Hidden in the Mountains too?" Sakura pipes up curiously. "No." "I'm confused... and I want ramen." Naruto tells her. Winter sighs softly and fingers the headband tied tightly around her left bicep.

"Naruto... my village... my home... is the Village Hidden in the Storm... on the Shichi mountain, the Seventh Mountain." She looks at him gravelly, "The Yama no Jigoku Tengoku." He blinks confused, "And what does that mean exactly." She looked out to the West, her face seeming tired and drawn.

"The Mountain leading to Heaven... and Hell."

So the first chapter of my Akatsuki fanfic is up! It's called Friends with a Shinigami (I might change the name, suggestions?) so go check it out. Also it was the second option, I may or may not write the first option eventually. 

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