Cuddles and Movie-💗

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Nagisa's POV

I knock on the door and it only took a few seconds before my favorite red-haired sadist opened it. "There you are! I've been literally waiting at the door for you." He says with a smile. I chuckle slightly and he lets me in his house. "It's nice to see you too, Karma."

I set the duffle bag I brought down on the floor, out of the way, and Karma came up beside me, putting his arm around me. "It's been a while since we've had a sleep-over. What do you wanna do first?" He asked.

I thought for a moment before shrugging. "I dunno. You have any ideas?"

His smile brightened a bit. "Well, we can play video games until the sun sets and then we could watch movies until we pass out."

I chuckle again. "Alright, sounds fun!"

Karma sent me to get snacks from his kitchen as he set up the T.V and controllers. While I was getting the drinks to go with the snacks, Karma piped up from the living room. "Hey, Nagi, you wanna play Minecraft for a bit? It's a real time-killer."

"Yeah, sure! We can start a new survival world."


I come over often enough to where he actually set up an account for me. I grab everything and bring it to the coffee table in front of the couch. "Before you sit down, Nagi, can you grab a blanket from the upstairs hall closet?"

"Yup." I walk around the living room and up the stairs, down the hall a bit, and open the closet. There was a lot of stuff in it, including a large light purple blanket folded in the corner. I take it, close the closet, and head back downstairs.

"Got one!" I say cheerfully. Karma smiles at me. "Great! You can just put it on the back of the couch to use when we start the movies."

I do so and sit down beside him as he hands me a purple controller with blue highlights. He had a purple one with red highlights. I also noticed his couch had a cover-like blanket over it and it looked like a washable wallpaper for a couch.

We log in and open Minecraft, creating a new world. We always have keep inventory and cheats on so we won't have to worry about our stuff de-spawning if we die and we can teleport to each other.

We don't bother naming the worlds because we create a new one more often than revisiting one, always with a random seed. We get some wacky worlds when we do this but they always end up being cool.

Karma liked to mess around with me in the world, like steal my wood when it dropped, smack my character a few times to distract me and run away, and just crouch in front of me and stare when I was crafting or smelting.

I found it all funny because once he got it all out, he would go out and get food while I built our house, gather more materials for me, and just did everything except build the house, which we silently agreed on that being my job. He would even kill the mobs that snuck up behind me while I was doing something outside at night.

We played for hours and hardly even noticed until Karma set his controller down to stretch and he glanced out the window beside us. "Oh, wow, it's dark out already? That was fast." He said. I look away from the game and see it was, indeed, dark outside.

We were starting to get tired of playing so we turned the controller off and I refilled our snacks and drinks as he looked for a movie to watch. I made sure to close the curtains and stuff because it would be easy to see inside with the light from the T.V and no-one needed to see what we were doing.

Once that was done, I sat back down and grabbed the blanket, draping it over both of us as he continued to search. It went on for a little while, often clicking on a movie to read the description, only to ignore it, when a certain movie caught his eye.

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