Poor Karma-❣️

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Nagisa's POV

Sitting on my bed against the headboard and pillows, I just scrolled through my phone with my earbuds in. It's been a little stressful but I'm glad it was Friday night.

I felt a disturbance in the energy of the room and I heard the faint sound of knocking. I turn my music off and pull my earbuds out. "Yeah?"

"It's me, Nagi! I got a question for you!"

"It's unlocked!"

The door opens and my favorite sadist steps in, smiling happily. "Hey, do you think you can fall in love with anxiety?" He asked. Confused, I thought for a moment. "Uh... Probably. Why?"

His expression changes into a hopeful-sad mix but he kept his smile. "Cuz maybe then it'll leave me, too..."

Within seconds, I was laying on my back on the bed with Karma laying on top of me, hugging me close like a little kid with their stuffed animal after a nightmare. I was trying not to laugh but I knew this was a serious issue with him. The most I can do is cuddle him when he's upset - and I plan on doing that until I die.

(Not gonna continue and you can't make me. Not this time)

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