Working From Home Stress-💗

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Nagisa's POV

Standing in the hallway and peeking into the room, my partner was sitting at his desk like usual and typing something. While it was cute to see him wearing normal clothes and glasses while using his computer, it hurt a little to see him take the glasses off and lean back in his chair, sighing and rubbing his eyes.

The sun had set hours ago and he was still working. Hell, he didn't even stop to eat dinner with me. I'm starting to think he had some kind of overtime or extra hours he didn't tell me about ahead of time.

I gently push the door open and quietly walk in, watching him rest an elbow on the armrest, put his head in his hand, and read over what he typed. I move behind him and carefully slide my hands up his back and massage his shoulders. I startled him a little but he almost immediately leaned forward and lower his head, giving me more access to his upper back.

He felt really tense and because of his work right now, we've hardly done anything together. He hardly eats or sleeps and he's always exhausted, practically making coffee his life source. I don't like bothering him because I know whatever it is has to get done but I do bring him stuff every now and then to help him.

Karma leaned back and looked up at me, my hands resting on his chest, next to his collarbone. "Honestly, what are you even working on? You couldn't even take a break to eat with me..." I said. He sighed again, closing his eyes and resting his head on the back of the chair.

"I know, I'm sorry, babe... The dumbasses of my team have been postponing an important report for our boss so it's up to me to save their asses like always... I'm under-appreciated." He told me.

"Ah... That makes sense..." I thought. He looked really tired so I hoped he was almost done for the day... or night.

I've never seen him so stressed in the almost decade I've been with him so I wasn't sure how to help. His desk was a mess with papers and files covering the surface, not even in piles or stacks. Just laid out. Honestly, I could only imagine how stressed he is...
An idea suddenly appeared in my head and I thought it was the perfect way to make him relax. Can't go all the way because he needs to finish the report but it'll be a good start.

I step around his chair and let my hand slide down his chest as I moved, slipping under his desk. "What are you doing..." Karma mumbled, sounding tired. I place both of my hands on his knees and slide them up his thighs, sitting on my legs between his and spreading his legs a bit for more room.

Karma shifted a bit in his chair and looked down at me, confused. "N-Nagi...?"

"I know it's stressful so I don't want to get in your way too much... I figured this would help you relax a bit." I said, gently palming his groin. His leg twitched a bit but he didn't protest. Instead he just laid his head back on the chair again and I unzip his pants, already seeing his bulge grow. Wonder what's on his mind.

I nuzzle and kiss his bulge before licking and sucking on it through his underwear. I gently rub the inside of his thigh and he opened his legs a bit wider, giving me some more room to move around. After a few moments, I pull his underwear down and let his growing erection free.

I gave his shaft a little kiss before licking it. He reached down and brushed his thumb against my cheek before petting my head while I licked up to the head. My tongue caught a little drop of his precum and I gently sucked on the tip, tasting a little more of it.

His fingers twitched at the feeling but other than that, he didn't really react. I take the head in my mouth and drag my tongue along the shaft as I bob my head slowly, letting small grunts escape my throat. My hand slides up his thigh and to the base of his shaft, following the movement of my head in stroking what my tongue didn't reach at the moment.

"M-Mmngh... Nagisa..." He huffed. Slowly, I take more and more of his shaft into my mouth until I had to move my hand to take the rest of it, feeling it in my throat. I knew he liked it when I made noise when doing this because it would cause vibrations in my throat, naturally. So I made sure to let small moans and grunts escape when I felt them.

He gently gripped my hair and stroked the side of my face with his thumb, eventually looking down at me and our eyes met. We've done this multiple times but I still felt embarrassed when this happens, so I looked away and focused on what I was doing.

My hand slides into his underwear and I gently rub his balls, earning a small moan from him. We haven't done it in a while so they felt a little heavier than they usually do, or when we would do it more often. I sucked on the head and let my tongue press against the tip, which made him take a deep breath.

"N-Nagisa... I'm-... Mnn..."

I used my other hand to hold onto the flap of his fly before I bobbed my head faster. It startled him a little but I heard him growl as he gripped my hair a bit tighter. I felt his body tense up and I continued until I felt that sudden gush of liquid down my throat, forcing me to swallow it. Since it's been a while, it seemed thicker than I was used to but I could take it. I slowed down and sucked on the tip a little to get it all out before letting his member come out of my mouth.

I look up and see he was leaning on his arm on the desk so I couldn't see his face. I sat up on my knees and kissed his neck, as it was exposed, and he sat up, letting me see his calm smile. I rest both hands on his thighs and it felt good to see him smile like this.

"Thank you, Nagisa... It really did help relax me..." He then chuckled. "And get out from under there."

I smiled and crawled out from under the desk as he put his member back in his underwear, zipping up his pants. He turned his chair to the side and I sat in his lap, my legs bent at the sides of his hips. Our lips met in a soft but short kiss before I pulled away, wrapping my arms around his neck as his arms went around my waist.

"Hey, Karu...?"


"Can we get a pet?"

He tilted his head. "Uh... Depends. What kind of pet?"

"A cat, maybe?"

He thought for a moment before sighing with a smile, pulling me for a hug. "Alright, sure... A cat sounds nice."

A few days later, we got a very cuddly orange tabby we named Ryushi.

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