Good Luck-❣️

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"Get down, Karma!" Irina orders.

Karma continued stand on his desk.

"Karma, if you don't get down, I'll-"

"You'll what?" He interrupted, sounding as if he was challenging her. "You'll call my parents?" He opened his arms out. "Good luck getting them to answer the phone! They don't give a shit about me!"

Karma laughed and pushed Terasaka away with his foot when Terasaka got too close to his desk. Everyone was concerned for Karma now and no-one dared to tell him what to do. All except one.

"Karma." Nagisa said flatly. Karma practically flinched and looked over at the blue-haired boy, seeming to have had a mood-swing from mischievous to uneasy. "Y-Yeah...?"

"Get down."

"Okay." Karma hopped off the desk and sat down in his seat, putting his arms up on the desk and laying his head down to hide most of his face, but he could still see everyone.

Everyone looked at Nagisa, confused and surprised, but Nagisa seemed unfazed. He continued to write in his notebook while resting his head in one hand. He looked tired.

"So you'll listen to Nagisa but not professsor Bitch?" Terasaka asked Karma. Karma didn't move when he replied. "He's scary as hell when he's mad so I don't wanna piss him off... Dude can easily kill me..."

The classroom was silent for a moment until Irina decided it was time to continue the lesson. All throughout the rest of the day, everyone felt a little timid about Nagisa. If he could get a sadist to behave so easily, what will he do to them if he's upset?

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