Long Drive-💗

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Nagisa's POV

Staring out the window in the passenger seat, the black sky was covered in white sparkling specks to accompany the broken moon. The car drove smoothly on the empty road out in the middle of nowhere and my eyelids were a little heavy. I felt a hand on my leg and I look beside me to see Karma in the driver seat, focused on the road, and it was his hand on me.

"You know you can sleep if you want to, right? We're still a little over an hour away from civilization, and that includes a hotel." He says, rubbing the side of my knee with his thumb. I look at his hand on my leg and a small smile appears on my face. A beautiful silver ring with a shiny blue sapphire rested on his ring finger.

I had one similar on my left hand but my gem was a red ruby. We haven't had a wedding yet but he proposed to me a few months ago. When I feel stressed or upset, I would stare at my ring and the gem color reminded me of Karma. It always cheered me up.

"I know." I said. "I don't want to, though. You'll be alone if I fall asleep."

He smiled. "Oh, come on. I don't want you to be tired tomorrow morning because we'd be arriving at our destination."

I gently touch his hand with mine. "I'll be fine... I want to stay up with you."

"I have over a dozen 5-hour-energy things to drink so I'll be up for a while. You can sleep if you want, Nagi." He turns his hand over, gently grabs mine, brings it up to his mouth, and kisses the back of my hand. He then let my hand go and it returns to my lap as his moves to rest on the gearshift.

"I'll stay up until I pass out." I smugly tell him, looking out the window again. We both knew that statement meant 'until I lay to sleep in the hotel bed'.

He didn't argue with me, because he knew it would be useless, and only the low-volume music filled the air of the car. Remembering his ring, I look at mine. I stared at it for a few seconds before softly kissing it. Feeling the temptation everyone feels at some point, I licked the gem.

I licked it a few times before deciding I should stop, so I pulled my hand away to hold up my head, elbow on the ledge that held the door handle. I still felt the urge to lick something, wanting to taste the smooth and cold gem again. (As you do)

I thought for a second before looking at Karma with my eyes. He had his hand on the bottom of the wheel with his other hand in his lap. He was clearly bored. I stared for a moment before a mischievous grin appeared on my face. "Risky... but I'm willing to take it." I thought.

I take my seat belt off and Karma glanced at me for a moment, but not for long because he had to watch the road to keep the car straight. "You okay?" He asked.

"I will be." I lick my lips. There wasn't much between our seats so I had room to shift my position and lean over. "Nagi, what're you do— Hey!"

I nuzzled his groin while rubbing his thigh.

"N-Nagisa, I'm driving!"

"Better watch the road then~"

I palm his crotch and he could easily get me off him but, instead of grabbing my hand or pushing me up and off, he put his hand on my upper back and just gripped my shirt. "Get off..." He tells me.

I thought for a moment before grinning. "Okay." I sit up, making him take his hand off my back, and I put my seatbelt back on while sitting in my seat properly. He stared at me for a second as I stared out the window. "The hell you doin' now?" He questioned. I shrugged. "You said get off so I did. Is that not what you wanted?" I smirk at him.

He watched the road, clearly annoyed. "No, that's what I said..." He replied.

"Alright. My bad, then." I casually said.

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