Something Light-💗

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This idea came to me in a dream. Literally. I just woke up from a nap and I got up because I had to write this out so I didn't forget it. Also it's some light smut to remind you guys I'm still alive and thinking about this. I've been working on fanfics for other stuff like How to Train Your Dragon, Sally Face, a little of the new MLP G5 and I have no intention of posting those ones so this is all you're gonna get from me lol.

Anyways, if you read all that, I'm surprised. I thought you'd skip it. If you did, don't worry, I don't care if you read that or not.

Ah bug in my room there's two fuck go away mosquito damn moskeet

Anyways again.

Nagisa's POV

Placing the grocery bag up on the counter, I open it up and take out the plastic bag of apples we had bought. They were twice the size of a normal apple and when you cut or bite into them, they were soft and juicy.

I cut open the apple bag and picked one up. "I feel like I'll drop it if I don't hold it with two hands." I smiled at the apple in my hands.

Karma came up behind me and picked another one up. "Yup. That's what's cool about them. They're different than the other store-bought apples. The size is a good example. The price as well. Should we cut a few of them up? We have caramel so we can dip them and we can watch a few more episodes of that show on Netflix."

I turned and smiled at him. "Yeah, sure! I think we'll only have to use two of them, though. If one isn't enough."

We put the rest of the groceries away and took two of the large apples out, setting up paper towels and a plate on the counter. I began cutting one of the apples and Karma took the core to throw it away once it was available.

As I began to cut the second apple, I noticed Karma in the corner of my eye and while he was in front of the trash can, he stopped moving. Curious, I looked over and saw him standing there, biting off the extra bits of the apple on the core, and he looked like he was staring off into space while doing so.

"Karma?" I said curiously.

He seemed caught off guard and turned to me. "Hm?"

I just smiled. "You're supposed to throw that away, not eat it."

He smiled back, as if he was doing something he'd get in trouble for. "I know. There's still some good parts on it so I didn't want to waste it." After taking another bite near the stem, he tossed the core into the trash. He held the piece of apple in his teeth and came over to me, leaning forward a bit like he was offering it to me.

I looked up at him and stepped a little closer, taking the apple piece out of his mouth with my own. Once I took it, he stepped back and I pushed the piece into my mouth with my knuckle. It tasted sweet and soft, and the skin was crunchy. Buying these apples were a good idea. Definitely worth the price.

As I continued to cut the second apple, I stopped mid-cut when I noticed something as Karma stood next to me. Since I was looking at the apple in front of me, I was looking down and I suddenly noticed the large bulge in his pants.

"When did that happen?" I thought, confused.

Karma saw I stopped and he tilted his head. "You okay?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him while grinning. "Am I okay? Are you okay?" I turned my head and looked down, making it obvious. "How long have you been like that?"

He didn't even have to look to know what I was talking about. "I-... uh... It... actually just happened... A few moments ago."

"Do you like these apples that much?" I chuckled.

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