The New Snow White-❣️

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(I found a weird rabbit deep in my computer gallery so thought 'okay why not'. This one is short)

Nagisa's POV (Idk I like his POV)

Sitting on the couch in a comfy sweater, I held the warm cup of hot chocolate in my hands. E-Class had chosen to go on a trip to the mountains and everyone was doing their own things. Some were in their rooms with their roommates in the lodge, some were outside playing or play-fighting, and I was just chilling in the main area.

"Hey, Nagi!" I hear. I look up towards the window but didn't see anything, even though that's where the voice came from. The window was open slightly to help air out the lodge, despite it being a bit cold out.

"You wanna know why they call me Snow White?" The voice came again. I sigh and a smile appears on my face, recognizing the voice as Karma's.

"Why do they call you Snow White?" I engage playfully.

The window was next to the door so it was easy to see the door open, Karma stepping in, and I practically choked since I was taking a sip of my drink when he walked in. "Because animals love me." He said smugly.

He had two fluffy bunnies in his arms, a large bird on his shoulder, and following him from behind was a large deer.

"Oh my god, Karu." I chuckle.

The animals seemed comfortable with him but as soon as the deer noticed me, it entered the lodge and curiously walked over. I slowly sit up and set my cup down on the coffee table as the deer got closer. I had a plate of fruit on the table so when the deer stopped next to me and stuck its snout out towards my face. I carefully pick up an apple slice from the plate and held it up to its nose. It sniffed it for a second before taking it, lifting its head up and happily chewing on the apple slice.

"How did you do this?" I asked him, looking up at the large creature only a few feet away. Karma laughed. "I have no idea! It just happened." He walked over to me, around the coffee table, and put a knee on the couch to lean over me. "Here, hold these for me."

He handed me the rabbits and I took them without a second thought before watching him sit down next to me. The bird walked down his arm so he lifted it up as the bird moved to his hand. "They're so fluffy!" I giggle, holding the rabbits close. (420 words lmao)

"Right? I couldn't believe it either." Karma said, lowering his hand to let the bird step onto his leg. The deer began to eat all the fruit of the plate and I chuckled a the rabbits put their paws on my chest to sniff my face curiously.

"I'm the new Snow White." Karma added proudly.


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