(FemNagi) New Generation-💖

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Hybrids and this is after they graduate but they're like in their late teens/early twenties

Nagisa's POV

I take a deep breath as I stand in the bedroom, the pregnancy test in my hand. My ears were down, my tail tucked against the back of my legs, and my heart was pounding.


I felt nervous as I left the room, walked down the hall, and down the stairs, peeking into the living room to see my mate on his computer.

"No, here's the thing. We haven't gotten married yet but we plan to very soon. We plan on ring-shopping next week." He said. I heard a familiar female voice reply. "That sounds fun! What kind of rings?"

Before Karma could answer, I chimed in, feeling more nervous than before. "Karma...?" I mumbled. Karma's ears perked and he looked over at me. "Oh, hey! I got Nakamura on call here. Wanna say hi?"

I didn't answer and he suddenly noticed my uneasy expression. "You okay?" He asked softly, lowering his ears. I stared at the ground for a moment before replying. "I-... I need to talk to you... Can you hang up?"

"Yeah, sure..." He said his goodbyes to Nakamura before hanging up and closing his computer. He got up and walked over to me, looking a little saddened. "Are you breaking up with me...?"

"What? No! No way!" I shake my head, holding both hands behind my back. "It's... something more important..."

"Then what is it?"

"I figured out why I've been feeling sick lately..."

"Okay...? Do you need to go to the hospital...?"

I shake my head again. "N-No, I'm-..." I started hesitating and I gripped the stick a little harder behind my back. "I'm not sure how to tell you..."

"Well... can you try? I'm really worried... Why have you been so sick this past week? Are you okay?"

I was silent, practically shaking out of nervousness. We've never talked about having kids and every time we'd hang out around a child, he never seemed happy when they interacted with him. He always looked bored. I was scared of his reaction.

"I'm-..." I keep my eyes down and I swallowed the lump in my throat, knowing I had to force the words out of my mouth. "I'm pregnant..."

He was silent and I refused to look at him. What will he do now? Will he break up with me? Will he tell me he doesn't want kids?

I quickly found my answer.

Karma suddenly picked me up and spun me around, startling me. "That's awesome!" He yelled. He pulled me into a hug and I put my hands on his shoulders, the pregnancy test in my hand. I looked up at him to see his pupils were wide, he was smiling brightly, and his tail was wagging furiously.

"We're gonna be a family! Even if it's just one, we're gonna have a kid of our own! Maybe we'll get a boy and we can teach him how to be respectful to the girls, unlike Okajima and Maehara, and he'll always be ready to protect his female friends! Or maybe we'll get a girl! I'll have to teach her self-defense and she'll rule every boy who talks to her. She won't have a boyfriend until she's much older, though. Only friends. A mommy's boy or a daddy's girl... or just our baby."

I stared at him for a moment before I laughed, completely relieved of my stress. He noticed what I was holding and, still smiling, he took it out of my hand and looked at it, seeing it was positive. More proof. He hugged me again and I was smiling along with him. I was grateful for his positive reaction and I wondered why I even doubted him.

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