Doctor Visit-💗

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(This story is kinda long and it sucks...)

Third POV

Nagisa sat in the waiting room chair, trying to keep calm. He was going for a medical exam but he was feeling embarrassed already. He didn't know these doctors, nor did he trust them, but he was here because the exam had to be done.


Nagisa perked up to see a nurse in the doorway. "You're up." She smiled. Nagisa swallowed the lump in his throat before standing up and following her out of the waiting room, down the hallway. "You seem nervous. Is this your first doctors appointment by yourself? I know I was nervous my first time." The nurse said, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Nagisa was nervous for another reason but she didn't need to know that. "Uh, yeah... I'm used to mom being with me... I feel like I'm doing something wrong even when I'm doing everything right."

The nurse giggled. "Oh, I know that feeling! I promise, you're in good hands. We've got the best doctors in all of Japan and, according to your file here, your doctor is pretty new! Don't worry, though. He's got enough experience."

"That's reassuring..." Nagisa thought. The nurse takes Nagisa into one of the rooms and has him sit on the bed like normal. (I've never had this exam so I'm relying on google)

"Your doctor is a little busy at the moment so please get comfortable. He'll be here as soon as he can." The nurse smiled at Nagisa before leaving and closing the door, leaving him alone. Nagisa stared at the door for a moment before putting his hands on the bed between his legs like a kid and looked around. Just a normal snow white room with blue bed that seemed a little short at the end, medical supplies on the wall, a little desk with a computer in the corner, and silent.

10 Minutes Later

Nagisa was completely zoned out at this point so he jumped when a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thought process. The door opened and his doctor stepped in. However, it was the last person he expected to see. And this doctor had the same reaction towards him.



"Well, this is a pleasant surprise!" Karma stepped in the room and closed the door, an amused smile on his face. Nagisa was so focused on the fact that Karma was a doctor, that he failed to catch one of his acts directly in front of him. Karma locked the door. (Is that normal? IDK)

"I-... I don't understand! I thought you wanted to be a politician! Why are you a doctor?" Nagisa asked, baffled. Karma shrugged and walked over to the desk, sitting down, tossing his clipboard onto the desk, and crossed his legs. "I had my mind set on that for a while but when I started research on it, it seemed a bit boring so I looked for something more interesting. Besides, this has a better pay."

"But isn't it more work? I heard doctors can work up to 80 hours a week and still be called in... and there's a lot to memorize." Nagisa questioned. Karma picked up the clipboard again and looked it over. "That's true but it's worth it. It's the mental and physical challenge I need. I see you haven't cut your hair yet. You're almost twenty and you're still a trap." (I know a medical degree can take up to ten years so the age is inaccurate but I'm trying here, okay?)

Nagisa reach up and touched his hair, which he didn't put up today so it rested on his shoulders. "I know but I'm kind of torn now."

Karma glanced up and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"

Nagisa shrugged. "Well, I've had long hair for years at this point and I'm starting to like it."

Karma slowly nodded like he understood, although he was still confused. He decided to let it go since he was secretly excited for this exam. He looked down at the paper on the clipboard with his casual grin and calm look in his ember eyes. "Alright, well, let's get a move on. I'm a bit busy today so I've got other patients comin' in soon..." As he read over Nagisa's reason for coming, he looked up with his eyes and raised an eyebrow again, although he already knew what this patient was here for before learning it was his childhood friend. "A prostate exam?"

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