Shared House-💖💔💗

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"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask. My red-haired demon smiled at me. "Relax, Nagisa. I told you a million times that this is more than fine. Hell, I've been begging for this." He replied. I was still a little unsure but I sighed and tried to accept this new change.

Walking up to the two-story house, Karma motioned to the door as he held the duffle bag over his shoulder. "Try the key." He says. I take the key out of my pocket and look at it for a moment. It had a pretty blue star as a charm and a ring hook but I hardly payed attention to that. I put the key into the keyhole and turned it.


"It works!" Karma said cheerfully. I take my key out and open the door, revealing the inside. The interior went from front door, kitchen to the right, dining room to the left, stairs between the dining room and living in the wall, and straight ahead in a little square in the ground was his living room. A couch against the wall so the right hand side was facing the door and the television across from that, a kotatsu between. (You know, the table with the blankets attached that can be heated)

"Whelp, since your key works, you officially live with me now!" Karma stepped on and set the duffle bag down on the floor. "Can't believe you only have this stuff you wanted to keep."

"Yeah..." I said, closing the door. "Everything else was what she wanted me to have..."

Karma growled at the mention of the woman who had the audacity to try to control his angel, but he let it slide after a few seconds. "Well, we have to go out later and look for some furniture to decorate your room with but, until then, you'll sleep with me."

"I can sleep on the couch, you know."

He kneeled down and unzipped the duffle bag. "Bedroom's up the stairs and the last room on the left. Go explore a bit!"

I sigh at how persistent he is but I couldn't really argue with him. Instead, I walked around him and up the stairs. There was four doors in the hallway. Furthest to the left was Karma's room, or our room for now, across that was an extra room, next to the was the bathroom, and across that, next to Karma's room, was a closed door with a large 'STAY OUT' sign.

"Hey, Karma!" I call.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"What's in the room with the stay out sign?"

"That sign is for guests! It's a recording studio! I record song covers from time-to-time!"

I gave a light nod, despite knowing he couldn't see it, and I ignored the room. The equipment in there must be expensive so I didn't want to disturb any of the set-up he might have. I decided to look into my new room. As expected, it was empty. Only a carpet, a window straight ahead, and a closet to the left. The window had a pretty thick window sill so, maybe, I could put a few cushions up there and use it as a study place. I walk up to the window and glance outside, only to be surprised by the view I had.

Karma's backyard was a beautiful one. A tall cherry blossom tree, a koi pond underneath with a little waterfall, and colorful flowers scattered all around in the bright green grass. It was fenced-in and there was a bird feeder hanging from a branch of the tree.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Said a voice behind me. I jumped and looked back, only to see Karma grinning at my reaction. "O-Oh... yeah, it is..." I reply, standing up straight.

"And you get to see it everyday from now on. Stray cats will jump the fence often to look at the fish and birds do come to the windows sometimes but, other than that, there really isn't any action in the backyard. I like to give the cats treats sometimes so they're really friendly." He explains.

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