(FemNagi) Friends with Benefits-💗

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Hybrids: Everyone has animal tails and ears. Nagisa has a white puffy snow leopard tail and wolf ears, Karma has a fox tail with wolf ears, all black

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm sharing a room with my brother right now until like April or something idk. Cons of moving.

Also this has been sitting up near the top for a while now cuz I forgot about it so I decided to finish it!

Ignore any mistakes pls this is kinda old lmao

Nagisa's POV

I leave the bathroom with a towel around my body, sighing. I stand by my bed, my clothes folded up on top, and I take the towel off to dry myself. I was out on a trip with my class and we were each given our own rooms next to each other. The rooms weren't too big but they were big enough to hold a bed, dresser, closet, mirror, and a bathroom.

I put some rose red panties on as a start and proceeded to dry my hair and ears, then my tail, then my chest fur.

As I was drying my chest fur, I suddenly heard a knock on my door. Before I could say or do anything, I heard it open. I spun around, holding the towel against my chest, and saw Karma step in. "Nagisa! Hey, I need to- SORRY!" He slammed the door shut and I stood there, trying to process what just happened.

Once I was able to function again, which took a few minutes, the first thing I did was walk over and lock my door. I then proceeded to get dressed, blow-dry my hair and fur, and I postponed brushing to go out and find the sadist. I found him in his own room and he was hesitant to look at me.

I said nothing as I grabbed his sleeve with my pointer finger and thumb and led him out of the room. He kept his gaze down on the ground as he let himself be 'dragged' across the building to my room. My door was a little more closed than I remember leaving it but I didn't care, as it was something doors do.

I close the door behind him and silently had him sit down on my bed as I went to brush my hair and fur. Karma's ears were down and he just casually stared at the floor.

After a few minutes of brushing, I was done and set the brush down, keeping my hair down and walking up to the male. "You've seen me naked before so why do you look so guilty?" I asked.

Karma didn't look up at me as he answered. "Because you wanted me to see you naked that time. Just because I've seen you without your clothes once, doesn't mean it's okay all the time. Again, I'm sorry..."

I stared at him for a moment before a small smile appears on my face. "Well, who knew such a big, dangerous, psychotic sadist would be so respectful? That's really impressive."

His ears raised but he still didn't look at me. "I may be a bad boy but I'm not a pervert. I thought you knew that."

"Because you said so when we got locked in the closet last month?"

"Seven minutes isn't long enough."

I rolled my eyes with a proper smile. "Alright, why were you coming to me in the first place? Did you need something?" I asked. He stood up and turned to me, finally looking up at me. "Oh, yeah. I wanted to talk to you... If you have time."

"I do. Talk about what?" I put my hands in my pants pockets to be more comfortable while standing.

"Us. About our friendship... I've been thinking about that day a lot lately and... you know I'm in love with you... and I kind of proved how much at that time..."

I blushed slightly and tilted my ears down horizontally while glancing downward, remembering. "A-Alright...?"

He put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up so I'd look at him. "I want to be more than your friend... but I don't feel ready to be in a relationship yet so I'm confused on what to do..." He told me. My blush darkened a bit and I put my hand on his so I could look away, embarrassed.

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